Why not need to pour water from pasta in the sink: how to apply a muddy decoction with benefit


Why not need to pour water from pasta in the sink: how to apply a muddy decoction with benefit

Pasta are one of the most favorite products from Russians, thanks to taste, versatility, simplicity and high preparation speed. However, few people know that in cooking and everyday life you can also use water in which pasta was cooked. We tell how it can be applied with the mind.

What is the benefit of pasta beam

Starch contained in the pasta brave has many positive properties. / Photo: Timeundersun.com

Starch contained in the pasta brave has many positive properties.

Pasta are produced from the top of the highest grade. When cooking, it highlights starch, which is the cause of the fact that water becomes murder in the process of cooking paste.

Starch has many positive properties, and its benefits appears in the following:

• reduces cholesterol levels;

• Enhances immunity;

• when burns, a mixture of starch and soda can be used;

• helps to eliminate signs of hangover and swelling;

• envelops the walls of the stomach and, thus, contributes to the extension of the feeling of satiety;

• stops the processes of inflammation in the body;

• At elevated pressure, you can take baths with the addition of starch.

Note: Products with starch, which are used by factory processing, are dangerous to health, as sulfur dioxide is added to them. However, the water in which pasta was cooked is fully safe and can be used in cooking, everyday life and can be used in cooking.

How to drain water

Call pasta from the water of the water. / Photo: uh-vkusno.ru

Call pasta from the water of the water.

You can use one of the following methods to save the rage:

1. Put the colander not in the sink, but in a bowl or pan, in which water will be gathering.

2. Use special varieties of a saucepan in which colander is already built into. After cooking, the paste will need to be removed from the tank along with the pasta, and wait until the water stalks into the pan.

3. When you cook spaghetti, use the tongs to shift pasta from the pan on the dish. Thus, the fluid remains untouched, and you can apply it for your own purposes. If they are preparing small pasta, for example, instead of tongs, use noise - the effect of it will be similar.

Variants and recipes for using water from under macaroni

Pasta decoction is used for different purposes. / Photo: womenstime.ru

Pasta decoction is used for different purposes.

So, we figured out that the water in which pasta is boiled has many positive properties. However, that our body receives a maximum benefit from it, you must learn to use it correctly.

Application options:

• feeding for indoor plants;

• dishwashing liquid;

• a variety of sauces;

• strengthening hair mask;

• Bath for legs and nails;

• Basis for test.

Now we go directly to the recipes that use liquid from under pasta.

1. Sauce to Italian paste

Pasta decoction in the sauce performs in the quality of the thickener. / Photo: wikihow.com

Pasta decoction in the sauce performs in the quality of the thickener.

For the preparation of tomato sauce to the paste, it is necessary to put the pan on fire, put there tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes (you can Cherry), add spices (thyme, oregano, rosemary), garlic, pour a tomato mix with olive oil, add pasta decoction and fry until readiness . Water helps to adjust the level of sharpness and salinity of the sauce if you are inadvertently put too much pepper or salt. Try the sauce along the preparation and add "magic" water as needed to achieve the perfect taste.

According to NOVATE.RU, the liquid from pasta has one more secret: it acts as an emulsifier. Therefore, if you prepared some sauce for pasta, but it turned out too liquid, just add two tablespoons of "broth" into it and mix. The thing is that the starch contained in the flour acts as a thickener and helps to "connect" the components of the sauce, which are resolve in the cooking process.

2. Flower feeding

Many vitamins useful for plants in pasta brawl. / Photo: dekormyhome.ru

Many vitamins useful for plants in pasta brawl.

The starch contains a large number of useful vitamins, minerals and microelements, so it can be safely used as feeding for flowers. Just cool the pasta decoction and pour all the houseplants that are located in the apartment. They will definitely tell you: "Thank you."

3. Dishwashing agent

Starch in the macaronium decoction splits fat

Starch in the macaronium decoction splits fat

Water with starch is effective and in the event that you need to eliminate the burnt fat, as well as wash the fatty dishes. Just fold dirty frying pan and plates into a large cup, pour pasta decoction and wait 30-40 minutes. The fact is that the starch is able to split the particles of dirt, fat and other contaminants, so it can easily cope with the footsteps from food. After time, wash the starch film under the head of hot water and wipe the wet dishes with a towel.

4. Hair mask

Pasta decoction strengthens hair. : HealthcuriosityMagazine.com

Pasta decoction strengthens hair.

Water with starch content will help strengthen the curls, make them shiny and silky. All you need to do is rinse the hair with a decoction, and then rinse strands with your beloved shampoo. Masks and balms after washing the chapels do not need to use.

5. Foot Bath

Pasta decoction removes fatigue. / Photo: vsemzdorovye.ru

Pasta decoction removes fatigue.

Heels are very beautiful, feminine, elegant, but at the same time and very tiring. Many girls have a whole day to walk in shoes or sandals on the heel, and in the evening they do not feel feet from fatigue. To eliminate the swelling and painful sensations, try to experience the next home spa procedure. Take the usual basin in which you usually wash your feet, add pasta beam in it, pre-cooled to room temperature, lower the legs there and wait a quarter of an hour. To strengthen the effect of the procedure, use a bath with a massage effect. Thus, the lymph acceleration will occur, swelling and fatigue will fall.

6. Vegetables for a couple

Pasta decoction can be used to prepare vegetables for a couple. / Photo: vannadecor.ru

Pasta decoction can be used to prepare vegetables for a couple.

For those who hold proper nutrition, we offer the following recipe. After you fuck water from Macaron, immediately put a bowl with vegetables on a saucepan with a decoction. It is very important to make it before the pairs will stop climbing above the liquid so that the vegetables prepared well.

7. SUP

Pasta decoction can be used as a broth for soup. / Photo: vpuzo.com

Pasta decoction can be used as a broth for soup.

Continuing the topic of waste-free production, it is impossible not to mention the soup, which can also be prepared on the basis of a pasta beam. To do this, you will need to add a piece of meat, potatoes and carrots, sliced ​​by cubes, onions, greens (optional) and boil until all ingredients are ready.

8. Dough

On the water from pasta, you can knead the dough for baking. / Photo: povar.ru

On the water from pasta, you can knead the dough for baking.

Since starch in its properties can replace the yeast, it can be prepared with a lush dough for cooking bread or pizza. It is important to take into account that the water has already salted so that the resulting finishing baking does not work out.

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