A simple way to get rid of hemp in the country area without too much effort


A simple way to get rid of hemp in the country area without too much effort

Remove the fuels on the summer site can be quite difficult, especially if you do not know a single method of dealing with the roots remaining from the tree. In fact, the removal of hemp is not at all such a terrible procedure as it may seem at first glance. With a proper approach to remove the stump, you do not even have to strain.

Drills holes. Photo: LandshaftDesign.info.

Drills holes.

What do you need : Drill, feathery drill 20-25 mm, pack of ammonia nitrate

Armed with a pepper with a feather drill, we are doing several characteristic holes in hemp. The amount of these depends on the size of the stump. Between the two holes should be about 10 cm. As for the depth, it must be the maximum possible when the tool is used. When the holes are ready to be cleaned from sawdust, as well as the pennies itself.

I fall asleep to the hole of the Selitra. / Photo: Topcheg.rf.

I fall asleep to the hole of the Selitra.

Now fill the holes in Selitra. It is strongly recommended to resort to the help of funnels so that the composition falls down in the opening. The improvised funnel can be done if desired of a bottle or ordinary paper. Several times we will be tamped to fertilizer, after which I fick up Selitra again.

Important : If animals walk along the site and first of all poultry, then the stump with Selitra need to be covered! Birds can slander the granules of fertilizer and get the hardest burns of the food tract.

Cup will be easier. / Photo: 1AGronom.ru.

Cup will be easier.

It remains for small - wait 5-6 months. As a result, the wood will become soft and militant, the bark will begin with a stump, woodpaths will begin to form. In the future, the stump will easily get rid of the toporist and scrap. In the most difficult cases (when working with large stumps), it will be necessary to wait for up to 1 year before, as you can proceed to the cortex.


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