15 Kitchen Soviets that will turn the household routine into fun


Useful secrets that will be suitable in the kitchen.

Useful secrets that will be suitable in the kitchen.

Perhaps, any hostess acknowledges that over time, even the baking of a beloved cake or the preparation of the crown pillus turns into a routine. Moreover, because of the rapid way of life of the time on the preparation of a particular dish, it is not enough. And if some hostesses lower hands and begin by simple recipes, then others come up with how to optimize workflows. We picked up 15 kitchen tips, which will turn life into fun.

1. Crumbling pasta

Freeze boiled pasta. | Photo: Products.

Freeze boiled pasta.

In order for the finished pasta to the next day, turned into a sticky mass, similar to the casserole, divide them into parts, spread to zip-packages and place in the freezer. When you want to eat, simply send a frozen portion into a saucepan with boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

2. Linked medical

Thickened and cloudy honey. | Photo: YouTube.

Thickened and cloudy honey.

According to NOVATE.RU, Honey is one of those products that does not deteriorate and can be stored almost ten years. However, over time, he may thicken and poisoned. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, heat the jar with honey on the steam bath. The product will again become liquid and gains a primordial golden shade.

3. Dairy products

Secret storage of dairy products. | Photo: novi.ba.

Secret storage of dairy products.

So that milk, sour cream and cottage cheese have not spoiled earlier, keep them in an inverted form. This will create greater tightness and prevents the reproduction of bacteria inside the packages.

4. Frozen eggs

Freeze raw eggs. | Photo: Pinterest.

Freeze raw eggs.

If you accidentally broke the egg or you have a couple of glazers, which did not go into the dough, place them in the mold for ice, add a pinch of salt, as much sugar and freeze. Such a trick will not give the product to be spoiled and will fully retain their taste properties.

5. Salt in Salon

Storage salt in Salon. | Photo: memotest.ru.

Storage salt in Salon.

Put a little rice in Salonka so that salt does not die and did not turn into a stone.

6. Resuscitation for champagne

Return bubbles in champagne. | Photo: Women's magazine "Secret.

Return bubbles in champagne.

Multiple raisins abandoned in a glass will help to return bubbles to the exhaust champagne. You will be surprised, but natural sugar is able to work wonders.

7. Storage of vegetables and greens

The secret of long storage of vegetables and greenery. | Photo: Storage of products and consumer goods.

The secret of long storage of vegetables and greenery.

If you find that your vegetables began to refrigerate, the next time you use paper towels. Put them between vegetables, wrap in them greens and forget about the problem for some time. Towels will absorb condensate, which actually contributes to rotting.

8. Alternative filter

Alternative Filter for Tea and Coffee. | Photo: Kitchen Decorium.

Alternative Filter for Tea and Coffee.

If you have neither a shorter or a coffee filter at hand, make it like an ordinary paper towel.

9. Fighting insects

Fragrant insects. | Photo: Yandex Zen.

Fragrant insects.

Put into a container with flour or a cereal of several leaflets of the dried la eg, so as not to worry that vile insects will be headed in these products.

10. Fatty pastries

Salvation of the burned baking. | Photo: Tester.

Salvation of the burned baking.

Savoric baking will help unchivery manipulations with water and oven. Just turn the stricken cupcake with water and send it for a few minutes to the heated oven. After such a procedure, the inedible baking will again gain softness.

11. Cheese in the freezer

Frozen cheese. | Photo: BBC.

Frozen cheese.

If you purchased expensive cheese and do not want it to deteriorate, pack it in hermetic bags and place it in the freezer. During the day before use, the product should be moved to the refrigerator so that it relieves and again became soft.

12. Bring the dough for readiness

Accelerate the preparation of the test. | Photo: seldon.news.

Accelerate the preparation of the test.

If the dough does not rise long, the microwave will help. Put a large glass of water in it, warm up so that the contents of the glass boils, and immediately after put inside the dough. The glass is not needed.

13. Improve wine

Improve bad wine. | Photo: Cooker.

Improve bad wine.

Even the worst red wine can be reanimated with a blender. Fill in a bowl of the blender drink and start the device for a few minutes. According to NOVATE.RU, such a remorse will reveal the taste of wine and will help save even the most disgusting variety.

14. Drania

Potato dianki in the Wafelnitz. | Photo: newsVideo.su.

Potato dianki in the Wafelnitz.

Wafelnitsa or sandwiches can be used to prepare several alternative dishes. For example, with the help of these gadgets will be able to quickly prepare a crisp breakfast for the whole family.

15. Clean the egg

Quickly clean the egg. | Photo: Cooker.

Quickly clean the egg. | Photo: Smeubochka. Officer shell can spoil manicure and mood. So that such trouble happened to you, take this technique. Its essence is to use a glass cup and a small amount of water. Next, it remains only to put the boiled egg inside and shake vigorously.

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