An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days


An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

You know that we value your time and with joy sharing the necessary ideas and advice that comes from our readers. Today Maria Savelyeva from Yaroslavl, who loves his apartment, Tell me as a few simple steps cozy to furnish the hallway!

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An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

The hallway is the most passing room in the apartment. It is not delayed for a long time, but it is impossible to miss it. In essence, the hallway is the "bridge" between the street and the house from which the impression of the entire apartment begins.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

Therefore, it is important to make this patch of space interesting and ergonomic. For transformation, you can use several ideas.

1. Place the floor mirror, and next to put a decorative table. The hallway will visually expand and the illusion of the doorway will arise.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

2. Shelf for shoes - the eternal item of the hallway, from which not to get rid of, but also to see it is no longer possible. If you turn the shelf in a comfortable bench, it will be much easier to endure. In addition, it will be possible to save place. By adding a couple of pillows, you can give a little comfort to the hallway.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

3. When the ordness already bored, it is possible to abandon the horizontal shelf for shoes. It is necessary to attach several horizontal panels on the wall and hang shoes for heels. The trouble lies in the fact that with sneakers and other shoes on a flat sole can not do so. But you can buy a special junky.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

4. In its own house there is also an extraction of the hallway, usually next to the staircase. At the same time, the place is lost under it. So that this does not happen and for the sake of saving order in the house, you can create a seat and highlight the place for each family member under the stairs. Nothing colossal - just a branch. Where you can hang up the top clothes and put the portfolio, bag and umbrella. Under the seat set baskets for shoes.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

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An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

5. A lot of experiments concerns hangers. It can be turned into it. If a sailor / fisherman lives in the house. Or use deer horns, animal sculptures instead of hanger. In addition to the practical function, they will give the interior a kind of highlight.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

6. To visually expand a small hallway, it is better to choose furniture without legs, "soaring". Mirror furniture to cope with this task. Even a simple mirror in an unusual frame will be an interesting decor!

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

7. Adherents of the glamorous style will have to do in the hallway to the hallway the gallery mirrors of different sizes and shapes. They need to be attached on one wall. But not in the house with active kids, otherwise the mirrors will scatter on the fragments.

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

Since in the hallway rarely, who is delayed for a long time, it can be issued in the spirit of museum corridors. The main thing is to have enough money and place!

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

An ideal entrance hall without repair in seven days

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