The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8


An excellent idea of ​​gifts for friends on March 8 will be useful things made with their own hands from low-cost materials. Close people, no doubt, will appreciate cute tacks and coasters under hot, stitched from kitchen wafer towels.

So that with the towels it was convenient to work, it is necessary to break up the lines of the edges and are well flying, getting rid of the chairs on the fabric.

Cut the desired pattern of towels.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

On the wrong side of the pattern, impose fliesline with adhesive coating and glue it using an iron.

Thanks to the phlizelin, the towel will become more dense and convenient to work.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

From cotton fabric Cut the front side of the tape size of 22 cm by 25 cm.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

Also, for the manufacture of tape, it will take three layers of viscose napkins of the same size.

Fold two layers of napkins, facial layer of tape and pattern together and secure them with a pin.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

Take the pattern with threads in color using a zigzag line.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

For the involving side of the tape, the selection of tissue with a size of 23.5 cm by 26.5 cm.

The workpiece with the pattern to be imposed on another layer of the viscose napkin and fabric.

Wrap the edges of the invented side of the tape and gently position them first manually, and then on the sewing machine with zigzag-like seam.

To finish the manufacture of tape, make a loop in one of the corners.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

The tack consists of five layers of tissue and is quite dense. It is suitable even in order to get a baking sheet from the oven.

In order to make the stand under the hot, prepare a rectangular cut towel. From the fabric that was used for sewing taps, cut the strips with a width of 3.5 cm, the length of the bands should be slightly larger than the side of the towel.

Apply the fabric strip to the facial side towel to the front side and make them up. Cut excess fabric.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

Tissue bands for all four faces towels.

On the perimeter, the trigger of the strip from the waffle towel.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

Verify the front side of the stand under hot on 2-3 layers of viscose napkins and place.

To complete the work on the stand under the hot, do the same operations as for the manufacture of tape.

Literally in a few hours you can make a useful gift for my friends on March 8.

The budget idea of ​​a wonderful gift on March 8

A detailed process of sewing taps and coasters under hot pea towels can be viewed on video:

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