Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny


Having home scarlet houses, it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics for fabulous money. Prepare a miracle gel with a lot of advantages, easy at home. The universal cosmetics has a tonic, rejuvenating and tightening effect. It can be used both independently and in combination with creams.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

For the manufacture of gel will fit the lower leaves of adult plants. To begin with, they need to wash them, and then separate the spines and dry tips.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

Now the leaves are easy to cut along.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

Gently consider with the leaves with a jelly-like mass. It is her raw material for gel.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

We send gelned juice into a blender and mix well.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

The resulting liquid is filtering through the categorous sock.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

We send 1 teaspoon of agar-agar with a water bath with the addition of 3 teaspoons of water. When Agar-Agar is completely dissolved, we leave for swelling.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

Add to scarlet 3 capsules or 1 \ 2 teaspoons of vitamin E and mix. Then brought agar-agar to the liquid state in the water bath, let it cool and mix with the scarlet. Agar-Agar is a natural preservative, due to its presence, the term of the gel will increase repeatedly, it will also be thicker.

After a thorough mixing, the finished gel is shifted into a prepared jar.

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

More information about the manufacture of aloe gel in the video below:

Miracle gel for your handles: a stunning effect for a penny

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