Why make a hole in the garbage bucket, and how this trick will help hostesses


Why make a hole in the garbage bucket, and how this trick will help hostesses

Each experienced owner and the hostess know well that the garbage package must be extracted long before the moment when it is filled to the very edges. Otherwise, it is not possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of their "laziness". With the highest share of probability, the crowded package can burst and break when you try to extract. However, there is one way to protect itself from such a trouble.

Pull out the package may not be so easy. / Photo: worldcupreports.com.

Pull out the package may not be so simple.

Musor's removal is not the most pleasant, although the very necessary procedure. Few people make a garbage when the bucket was not fully completely. Although in a good way, it is necessary to do it. Otherwise, a complete package can easily burst and break. The trash will turn out to be on the floor, and with it there will be a new, unpleasant worker. So that the full package does not burst at the time of extraction, you should resort to one trick.

Packages are easy to rush. Photo: Open-Penza.ru.

Packages are easy to rush.

Armed with a drill and a small drill. Take the garbage bin and turn it over it. After that, drill several holes at the bottom, as well as at the bottom of the bucket. If the bucket is old or made of not very high-quality plastic (cheap), then before performing drilling it is recommended to stick the tape for the bucket so that the bucket does not go through the bucket. After the bucket, the holes are done, the garbage bag, even full to the edges will be removed much easier. . So, it will be to rush with a much smaller probability.

This will help. / Photo: Fabiosa.ru.

This will help.

How does it all work? In fact, very simple. The package is primarily not because it becomes heavy, but because of education in a vacuum bucket, which draws the trash package back when trying to extract. When holes appear in the bucket, the vacuum disappears and it has to make a much less effort to extract the package.

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