Lightweight and free organizers do it yourself


Ordered storage of things makes a home cozy and more comfortable for living. Organizers are very helpful. They can be bought ready, and you can make it yourself from the girlfriend.

The house there will always be unnecessary packaging from under various products, which is usually thrown away. And completely in vain. From these packages you can easily make comfortable, and most importantly, free organizers for storing things.

How to squeeze the maximum of empty containers, or light and free organizers do it yourself

1. Packages twisting on the cover

From the package equipped with a cover, nothing is hung.

From the package equipped with a cover, nothing is hung.

Plastic bottles are an ordinary container, which, after using a drink or other product, is usually flies into a trash can. But do not hurry to throw them out, their upper part will come in handy for us for an interesting idea. Gently cut off the scissors of the neck of the bottle. The edges of the cellophane package with spices or some other products are designed in the neck, bend outward and tighten the cover. Now nothing will wake up from the package.

2. Organizer for vegetables

In such a box, vegetables are stored each in its compartment.

In such a box, vegetables are stored each in its compartment.

Cardboard boxes are ideal for storing various products, but in a large container everything falls into a bunch. It is easy to avoid, organizing space inside the box. To do this, measure its height and distance diagonally. According to these sizes, you prepare two pieces of cardboard that will serve separators. They can be cut from another unnecessary box. In the center of each piece we make a cut to the middle, connect these two elements together and insert into the box. Now the space is divided into 4 sectors. In such an organizer, it is very convenient to store vegetables, fruits and any other products, such as pasta.

3. Optimize the space shelf

From the boxes you can make additional shelves.

From the boxes you can make additional shelves.

When storing things on the shelves, there is often a free space, especially if there is a large period between the shelves. The space can be used completely if you make an extra shelf from some kind of narrow box. It is cut off and then put the box on the shelf of the plafhmy. In it we put some small items, the rest is set on top. Or you can be folded in a number of several boxes.

4. Organizer for small things

Convenient organizer from ordinary juice or milk packages.

Convenient organizer from ordinary juice or milk packages.

Boxes from under juice or milk there is also an application. Packages are rinsed, dried and cut off the upper and lower edges. Then each box is cut into two or three equal parts, depending on the size of the package. The resulting pieces fasten with each other in any convenient way - paper clips, glue, stapler. The elements are assembled until they fill the box. It turns out a very convenient organizer for storing socks, underwear and other small wardrobe things. You can enclose it with colored paper - it will be not only practical, but also beautiful.

5. Clean bottle with vegetable oil

Rubber from the old sock on a bottle will be removed from oil drills.

Rubber from the old sock on a bottle will be removed from oil drills.

This advice does not quite relate to the organization of space, but will help when cooking. When using vegetable oil, no matter how hard we try to pour it carefully, but drops can flock on the bottle of the bottle. Hands become sticky, and stains from the bottle remain on the shelf. Simple lifehack solves this problem. Take the old orphanage, cut the top and rubbing to the bottle. Now, when pouring the oil, the hands will remain clean, and the glass bottle will be more convenient to hold in their hands.

6. Storage of things on high shelves

Things from the top shelf are more convenient to get when they are in the box.

Things from the top shelf are more convenient to get when they are in the box.

Not all of us are high, and the problem will reach the shelves located at the top of the cabinet, familiar to everyone. It will be more convenient to use it if you put the box on the upper shelf and store items there. It is easier to get the box and find the desired thing there and then return it to the place, how to shake your hand on the shelf blindly, creating chaos there. To make the box easier to get, remove the upper shelf under the storage of nonsense and not frequently used objects.

7. Spices in boxes from under Tick

Boxes from under TICA are convenient for storing spices and small items.

Boxes from under TICA are convenient for storing spices and small items.

If you love Dragee Tick-so, you probably have boxes from them. These containers are very convenient for storing any small things, especially in the maxi version. There you can add different studs, pins, paper clips, etc. Little boxes from under Tick-Taka are wonderful for storing salt or other spices. In such a form of seasoning, it is convenient to hide or when you leave for a picnic.

8. Ordered storage of things in the dresser

A simple shoe box helps streamline storage of things.

A simple shoe box helps streamline storage of things.

Shoe boxes should not be thrown out, this is a real find for organized storage. They can be put in drawers of the chest or on the shelves of cabinets and store any items in them. Things, such as towels, gently fold with a pile and in the vertical position in the box. This storage method is also good and the fact that now it is clearly visible where it lies. The desired thing is easily removed, and the rest remain neat folded.

9. Storage of cotton disks and chopsticks

In glass jars you can store anything.

In glass jars you can store anything.

Some products are sold in a glass container, and after them in the house there are jars with screwing lids. They can be kept anything. For example, in small jars you can put cotton wands and cosmetic discs and put in the closet in the bathroom. In a tightly closed container, they will be reliably protected from moisture. Also in jars it is very convenient to store various bulk products.

Tip: Glass jars with screwed lids - excellent reusable packaging for hoses that make stocks for the winter. They are perfectly sterilized and comfortable for packaging salads, ledge, tomato sauces and other similar billets.

10. Pendant pockets

From the packages from under the juice, comfortable pendant pockets are obtained.

From the packages from under the juice, comfortable pendant pockets are obtained.

Cardboard packaging from under juice or milk We have already been used to create an organiser. Another way to use them is to make out of them suspended pockets or "mini-boxes". To do this, cut off the top of the package, and in three walls we cut about a third. In the fourth wall we make a hole. On the inside of the door of the cabinet, we glue the plastic hooks and hang on them the resulting "mini-boxes".

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