How to make a water tank from the old tire



Old worn tires can be used in different ways, even apply for the manufacture of sealed water storage tanks. Such tanks will be suitable for collecting precipitation, mixing concrete or just for storing bulk materials. The manufacture of such capacities is quite a sink process, so if there is a desire, everything will fail.


  • Worn automotive tire;
  • Old conveyor belt;
  • Nails 30-50 mm.

The process of manufacturing hermetic tire capacity

The whole tire without cuts and holes should be cut as it can cut the sideline closer to the board. This is done by the usual mounting knife with a new blade. If it is clamped in rubber and badly, it should be lubricated to the best slip.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

Cut sidewall is applied to the conveyor belt and will be burned from the inside. Next, you need to drive the knife blade into the end of any countertops or boards, and using the resulting device to cut the circle drawn on the ribbon with a 2 cm tolerance on each side.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

How to make a water tank from the old tire

The circle carved from the tape is nailed to the remaining wholeboard of the tire with short nails in 10 mm increments.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

On the reverse side, they need to be beaten, laying under the Hat support. It is required that the bent nail squeezes rubber.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

Next, the tire turns into the opposite direction.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

How to make a water tank from the old tire

To the bottom of the tank for 4 nails will be added earlier cutting board.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

You can also roll the side of the handle from the belt cut from the conveyor belt.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

How to make a water tank from the old tire

In this form, the capacity is ready to use. For aesthetics, it can be squeezed by mastic.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

When filling it, it will keep the liquid, which allows it to be used to collect precipitation, etc.

How to make a water tank from the old tire

How to make a water tank from the old tire

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