Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.


Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.
You want bright accents in your interior, then make such interesting fish. They are good not only with their originality, but also by the fact that it is equally well fit both into a very bold and bright interior, and in a laconic, ate in one tone.

And such fish are an excellent reason to familiarize yourself with the point of painting. And also to use dried self-hardening clay if it suddenly was sideway somewhere.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • self-hardening clay;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic paints

And at the first stage of work you will need a cardboard and a fish pattern that can be drawn on your own or download. So that our fish is durable, cut out 3 cardboard blanks, and then glue them, alternating the direction of the bands on the cardboard. It is necessary to cut a stationery knife, not scissors, since the latter will not give a smooth slice and make chances on the cardboard. Split billets leave under the press until drying.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

Next, we take any self-hardening clay, pour it with water and leave for several hours. In this case, it is also perfect and dried clay. When clay is dissolved, cover the resulting mass of all sides of the workpiece, do not forget about the ends.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

When clay dries, it is well sanding the workpiece, and then turn it out again. We process the ends well.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

Further covering the fish with white soil or white acrylic paint, you can now begin to decor. First we make marking with a simple pencil, then paint.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

Collect the best acrylic paints. Fill the segments first with dominant colors, in our case it is red, orange and yellow. Dark tone dominant is better not to do.

Cardboard - Simple and at the same time very beautiful decor technique for any interior.

When the fish is painted, draw contours thin brush.

Finally came a turn point painting. Connect the fantasy, paint the dots, lines, patterns. As for color, it is better to use contrast colors.

Eye make out glass pebbles for aquarium, glit and paint them. Ready!

And below you can watch the video on how to make such fish yourself.

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