Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers


A lot of old magazines have fallen in the house? No problem! Designer Interiors Catherine Stepanova proposes to make an original scene for flowers from them.

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers
To do this, we will need any old bank, glue pencil, glue-moment and a spray can with paint color. Well, and, of course, old magazines.
Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

So, the first thing we pull out the sheets from magazines and turn into the tube. For convenience, you can use the handle. The thickness of the tube can be any - at your discretion.

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

Further edges of the tubes need to be sealed with a pencil and trim in the height of the existing container that we have to decorate.

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

We proceed with the decoration of our jar. To do this, with the help of furniture glue or glue, we glue our journal tubes throughout the perimeter.

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

After the glue gets free, the process of staining will have. It is necessary to paint in two layers. We chose the paint "under metallic".

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

That's all! Our kashpo is ready. Now you can put flowers in it, put jewelry, stationery or other little things.

Mastery of Kashpo from old newspapers

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