I chuni squni


I chuni squni

"Winter is close," said Ned Starck. I looked at the calendar - the right was the old one, the winter is not far from around the corner.

And let's match the home chuni from Slimer! And winter will not be terrible.

I believe that the Sleever is undeservedly considered a soak of "non-prime." But it is soft, cheap, environmentally, is perfectly falling.

Of course, a thin, elegant work out of it will not do, but Munty Chuni - just right. And our chuni will not be simple - inside the bright, natural, and the outside are decorated with a beautiful cloth.

Many people ask me how I make my "floral" slippers. This master class is partly and will answer this question. In addition, perhaps, the moment that slippers and silent from the wool Bergshaff, and our chuni will be almost entirely of Sweeter.

To work, we will need:

  1. Sleever from thin wool 240 gr.
  2. Wool sheep breed Bergshaf - 20 gr.
  3. A piece of viscose fabric.
  4. Pupil film.
  5. Liquid soap.
  6. Old cotton towels (2-3 pcs).
  7. Polyethylene gloves (1 pair).
  8. Substrate for laminate.
  9. Marker, meter Portnovsky.
  10. Free time - at least 6 hours.
  11. And, almost forgotten - a great mood.


We begin, naturally, from the template. The network has a sufficient number of master classes on this topic. I myself studied the sample wisdom of Irina Semoboyarinov. It turns out that its techniques are ideal for my temperament :) And the template count simply - the main standards increase on the coefficient of 1.5. Suppose the length of the foot 26 cm. At a given factor, the length of the foot on the template will turn out 39 cm. It is even easier possible: 26 We divide in half, and then we add this half to 26. Also we do with other measurements.

I chuni squni

I cut two templates and put them on the pupyr.

Now pay your eyes on Slier. Our task is to create out of the total mass of 8 identical heap of wool weighing 30 grams. Here on the sofa, I already have 6 pile ready. I use for uniform division by kitchen electronic scales. Very comfortably.

I chuni squni

We proceed to the layout. We take the first handy and lay it evenly along the template all without a residue with a protrusion around the edges of about a centimeter. Decent such clouds are obtained :) Watering with soap water. I didn't use the grid and I'm not used to use, and I also don't really love VSM. Just put on the gloves and gently fling wool.

I chuni squni

I cover another piece of puppies, I turn over, bending the protruding wool on the template.

I chuni squni

We take the second skewer handful and repeat the procedure. Similarly, we do with the second template. Thus, each operation we traded 4 times, using 4 bugs of creserv meter, that is, 120 gr. Now we have 4 more bugs left :) Let them also let them in the case.

We lay out wool in the transverse previous layer direction. Pour, turn over, bend. And so in a row 4 times.

I chuni squni

Now remember 20 grams of Bergshaf. Why did he go? And why!

The fact is that I am not very confident in the good skill's abilities to take a cloth, and I want not just chuni, and chuni beautiful! It is here that the great and mighty (as well as everywhere and everywhere, and all the coupled) Bergshaff comes to the rescue. We sprinkle with a thin layer of our billet (5 gr. For each side).

I chuni squni

It's time to work with a cloth. I had a viscose handkerchief in my covers. And you can use and simple (not only thick) viscose fabric, as well as chiffon, silk. On this principle, I felt all my "floral" slippers.

Gently put the fabric on our workpiece, the shoe without unnecessary folds and the chances. There will have a little tinker.

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

Getting to smoke. You can first walk with a grinder, but I did not, I like to iron the wool with a circular movement, first gently, slightly touching, then with pressure, everything is stronger and stronger, often turning the workpiece, paying special attention to bend. I stroke long! And just a little :)

I chuni squni

I strok until you clearly see a bag of hairs on the surface of the fabric surface. Bergshaff did his job!

I chuni squni

Our chuni from the oxygen state turned into densit censures, the lavasiki are so :) The fabric is no longer falling off, it holds hard enough so that you can start riding in sausage on the core (it can be a plumbing pipe or sausage for aquaaerobics).

I chuni squni

Rolling once around 50 in each direction, and this is for each chungy at least 8 times. Having removed from the sausage, do not forget to stroke chun every time, paying special attention to the bends. Here is the first boot after the headcase procedure. He became smaller. Now we will work with the second instance.

I chuni squni

After the head, we begin to form boots with your hands, smoothing the thoughts, the heel. Soak chun insicons. Let's hang it as dough. The waveau should be warm and wet :)

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

Here's how I got a faithful shoemaker after the "testa" procedures. He became dense, strong. But the final is still far :)

I chuni squni

Now you can safely roll up without core, wrapping in a towel and using a wonderful tool Rubel. Each feller has its own set of actions that leads to a certain result. We use all the developments. We spend the finish landing right on the leg. I put on my leg and put on my bag and put on my leg.

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

After wringing the drying and begin the decoration process. Actually, do not begin, but continue, since the first step in the decoration belongs to the handkerchief.

I chuni squni

Send a beautiful braid.

I chuni squni

Where without my favorite bows? :)

I chuni squni

That's so got our handsome man!

I chuni squni

From a piece of genuine leather, we cut the sole, measure the line of the punctures. Cunning tool or sewing make holes.

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

We flash the wax thread first in one direction, then in the opposite. It turns out a cross.

A wonderful master class on this topic gives the Fair of Masters Our "Tapping" Guru Irina Poluboyarinov.

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

Since I differ in an increased volatility, then from an unnecessary piece of felt, hanged once for the sample, rooted the insoles on the leg and inserted inside the chum. Now they will be still warmer and quickly do not rush.

I chuni squni

I chuni squni

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