How to restore torn threads in plastic product in minutes


How to restore torn threads in plastic product in minutes

Torn thread of fastenings inside the plastic part - the problem is widespread. Most people mistakenly believe that if such a breakdown happened, then the thing can be immediately sent to the landfill. In fact, this is not so. With due skill, the desire and availability of tools Word Carving can be restored. And the most important thing is that it will take all this no more than 5 minutes.

Disassemble the item. / Photo:

Disassemble the item.

What will take: Threads, scissors, screwdriver, machinery, threads are ordinary, stationery knife, boron machine with a drill or cutter

In order to restore the torn thread, it is necessary to disassemble the problem detail (if such in principle is possible), as well as to release the thread itself from foreign objects and hardware. When it is done, the opening opening is cleaned and is made approximately 0.5-1 mm wider than it was originally. The easiest way with this task can be coped with the use of boron machine with the appropriate cutter. An alternative way is to expand the hole with a shallow screwdriver, simply rotating it according to the former thread.

Nothing difficult. / Photo:

Nothing difficult.

Now we prepare the screw, namely, we smear it with oil. After that, we take for the expansion of the opening. For this we wake on a thoroughly commercial screw thread until the thickness of the metric becomes the size of the drilled hole. We hardly rub the hardware in the hole and drip down the second glue on it. Separate a few drops in the prepared hole.

Now the bolt. / Photo:

Now the bolt.

We insert a screw with a thread into the hole. We are waiting for about 5 minutes. During this time, the glue will have to capture tightly. His surplus remove the neat movement of the stationery knife. Gently unscrew the screw. After that, the remaining hole will have to keep the thread shape. The entire restoration process takes a little more than five minutes when there should be skill.

That's all. / Photo:

That's all.


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