Case for glasses


Case for glasses

Nowadays, a huge variety of cases for glasses, but sometimes you want something special or for a gift. A gift made personally will always delight closest. Case for glasses is a great idea! It will always be safe in it and in sight.

For the manufacture of the voice, we will need:

• Cardboard binding (thickness 2 mm);

• Watman;

• cotton;

• 2 types of glue: PVA and "moment" (crystal or universal);

• Malyary Scotch;

• Magnet for bags;

• Pencil, stack, line, stationery or disk knife, brush for glue, thread, needle, scissors.

To begin with, cut the necessary parts of the Cardboard case by the stationery knife.

Case for glasses

Here is a simple scheme as a case will look like. Below are the parameters of each side of it. Also, the scheme shows a sketch of a lock for a case, which will be discussed further.

Case for glasses

Parameters of the sides of the case for points:

a = 16.6 x 7.6 cm

B = 17 x 8 cm

C = 16.6 x 6 cm

d = 6 (at the base) x 7.8 x 7.8 cm

H = 7.5 cm

Now cut out from Watman two copies for each side of its size. For the outer side A and C length of the cut-out instance, it is necessary to increase by 4 mm.

Case for glasses

The edges of the side A will be mowed with a disk knife or stationery to ensure that the angles of the parties do not interfere with each other.

Case for glasses

We glue the sides (triangles) to the base, adjusting a straight line with a sharp angle so that they are perpendicular to the base.

Case for glasses

We glue with glue three edges of the side A and well fix it between the sides. At the same time, the beveled side looks inside.

Case for glasses

Here is such a beautiful corner from us to succeed on both sides of the design.

Case for glasses

Malanted scotching with all the inner and external corners of our billet.

Case for glasses

Glue on the parties A and on both sides d outside the carved pieces of watman. The glue also on B is the outer side will be outdoor.

Case for glasses

Cut the cloth with letters in such a way that it is possible to smoke the parties a and both sides d.

Case for glasses

Glue fabric on a very thin layer of glue, aligning the surface with a stack. Gently cut off the unnecessary tissue along the edges and put the corners.

Case for glasses

Case for glasses

Cut on the inner part of the side b "Pile" and slits for the first part of the magnet. You can use without lock magnets.

Case for glasses

We will cut the cloth so as to take the side of the C and B at the same time. We glue the harvested piece of watman for the side of the C, rushing only three sides.

Case for glasses

We glue this part to the base (side C). We prepare the root of 16.6 cm long (the extreme sides need to be adjusted).

Case for glasses

On the layout for the castle, we cross it and insert myself a layout of Watman, attaching a second part of the magnet to it.

Case for glasses

We glue the lock (the glue "moment"), side B (the distance from the side C = 7 mm) and only then the root (PVA glue, sinking for all bends) to parts of the case. Insert the magnet from the outside, fixing with the inner

Case for glasses

We glue the inside of the case already prepared by the workpieces (Watman in size is glued with a cloth). At the same time, first glue the inside of the side a so that the side and lower edges capture the rest of the sides (helping to form the corners with a stack).

Case for glasses

By gluing all sides, we get this ready-made case.

Case for glasses

Case for glasses

Case for glasses

Case for glasses

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