Sly trick that will help eliminate the zoom in the sink without effort


Sly trick that will help eliminate the zoom in the sink without effort

Bores in the kitchen and bathroom - the phenomena are widespread, which make themselves to know with enviable regularity. They take a lot of strength, time and nerves of the owners. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple and effective technique, which will allow without any special problems to eliminate even heavy blockage in the sink in just a couple of minutes.

Sooner or later, Vatuz will stop helping. / Photo:

Sooner or later, Vatuz will stop helping.

Why is the pipe zoom? The main culprit of the incident of this kind is, of course, fat, which gradually accumulates in the pipe, speaking by cementing material for food waste, hair, other garbage in the sewer. In order to defeat the majority of similar blockages, even very strong, it is necessary to apply a decisive blow to the root cause, namely, along a fat traffic jam, seated in the pipe. It will help in this difficult usual soda and vinegar, as well as something that can be tightly and reliably clog the drain hole of the sink.

Syll soda. / Photo:

Syll soda.

The mechanic cleaning a blockage in the kitchen is extremely simple. To begin with, it is recommended to once again work as it should be vanatuz. A positive result will most likely be achieved by this action, but Vanutuz will help "develop" a traffic jam. After that, the soda is covered in the drain hole (you can whole pack) and poured with vinegar. The rapid reaction will begin after that and you need to have time to close the drain hole.

We do vinegar and close the pipe. / Photo:

We do vinegar and close the pipe.

Interacting with each other, soda and vinegar will highlight a huge amount of gas. If the plums in the sink will be clogged tight and reliably, then the released gas will have nowhere to go, and it will begin to destroy, push the blockage. We are waiting for about an hour, after which we let warm water. If the first time did not work completely clean, we repeat the entire procedure again.

Rinse with warm water. / Photo: PNDTRYBA.RU.

Rinse with warm water.

Similarly, you can do with a drain in the bathroom, but if your hair got into the pipe, then it's not enough to break the blockage. First you have to remove those hair. This is done with the mechanical way using conventional plastic screeds. On one such screed, teeth are made (notches) with scissors or knives. After that, it connects with the second gravity, on which notches are also made. The handicraft tool of the desired length is shred into the pipe, after which we try to pose's hair. As soon as it happens - pull the screeds, clean from the garbage and repeat the procedure to the victorious end. Usually grabs 3-4 goals.

Such a tool can be made from ordinary litter. / Photo: Kazanexpress.Ru.

Such a tool can be made from ordinary litter.

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