Budget housing for a young family


Budget housing for a young family

It is no secret that everyone has to face sooner or later with a housing issue. I approached this problem in April, when I was 23 years old. At that time I was married for 2 years and my son was born literally two weeks ago. At that time we lived on a removable apartment and both studied in the ordinature, I am on therapy, a wife in neurology. The problem of the doctor's doctor is that the money you get only a scholarship, plus some part-timeings are not associated with medicine. (I had to work at construction sites, in a drilling brigade, per service station. This is due to the fact that without a certificate of a specialist - who is given at the end of the residency work does not have right.) In general, the hostess on the apartment began to sharply increase the price and hint to us that with We don't need her child, I had to move to the house to my parents and grandmother, she lived with them. Here we had one room in 18 square meters, the living area of ​​the house is 90 squares, only the attic of the 2nd floor, the first floor does not belong to us, besides the hallway, baths and stairs, and the rest of the house there are completely different people. Garage and land under it as well as part of the land under the house - the property of my parents. So, it was decided on the need to build an extension to the house, with a separate entrance, the most fiscal. Incidentally, with the dismantling of the old garage, which was on the territory, but dismantled only a part of the garage, which was from low-quality slag blocks.

Garage after dismantling unreliable walls.

Garage after dismantling unreliable walls. do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

I start laying bricks, fittings each row

I start laying bricks, fittings every row do it yourself, do it yourself

It turns out not perfect, but independently.

It turns out not perfect, but independently. do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

The jumper is decided to pour 8 mm with reinforcement

There are no large loads here, so I think this economy is fully justified.

The jumper is decided to fill with the reinforcement of 8 mm do it yourself, do it yourself

Removal of poor quality wall

Where the common wall with a neighbor of the wall of the old garage ended with a neighbor, it was decided to dismantle it completely including part of its foundation, since it is also not wealthy. Of course, it would be better to remove all the walls, and build them from scratch on a new foundation, but it is impossible due to budget and neighbors.

Removing poor quality walls with their own hands, do it yourself

For 4 days, the wall was built.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

By the way, the delivery carried out in this way, never paid.

By the way, the delivery carried out in this way, never paid. do it yourself, do it yourself

Another jumper is flooded, the walls are almost at the level.

Another jumper is flooded, the walls are almost at the level. do it yourself, do it yourself

The basis for the transition from the old attic to the future brand

Also, except for the dualows, lay Armopoyas for plates.

The basis for the transition from the old attic to the future prestroke do it yourself, do it yourself

Installation plates

The most expensive part of the construction is overlapping with plates. It cost 60 thousand (sizes, if anyone is interested - 12.5 by 3.5 meters)

install plates with your own hands, do it yourself

Layout Maurlat

Lay Maurlat do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

We deliver the bar and the board on the cart.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Collect the carcass

For a long time I did not photograph how it was lazy, but then I decided yet for history.

We collect the frame with your own hands, do it yourself

Inside the room had to lay partitions a bit different, as I would like ... But then nothing can be done - you need the rigidity of the design

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Almost graduated from Osb Fanera insulated roof and covered with vaporizolation

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Initially, I thought to put a balcony unit on the entrance, which got free of friends, but from this idea I had to refuse, because of a narrow door in it.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

December on the street in -30 ... you have to work with a gas thermal gun after studying ... 2-3 hours of work and oxygen burns, you have to relax while the room is usually awesome and again for work.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

The insulation scheme is Such: Plywood OSB on it Film Izospan then basalt wool 5 cm then foam 10 cm

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

File lags are made per day.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

It is necessary to work in the light of lamps, in the winter it gets dark.

It is necessary to work in the light of lamps, in the winter it gets dark. do it yourself, do it yourself

Finance appeared on the roof overlapping with stamping, it was not easy to make in winter ...

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Wall insulation and floor is completed

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

When the street is minus 30, we finally have a plus

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Winter entered into full force

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Collect transition

Collect the transition to your own hands, do it yourself

Scheme Such: Film Wengendic 15 cm Wool basalt Then windproof film on Kosomers and Stamps

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

I start to make a rough floor and insulation of the floor

Finally, it is possible to do without a gas gun - quite simple fan heaters 2 pieces.

I start to make a draft floor and insulating the floor with your own hands, do it yourself

Chernovaya Pol

the draft floor do it yourself, do it yourself

Gender in transition

There will be a plastic door with a window and a staircase down into the passage between the house and the garage.

Paul in the transition do it yourself, do it yourself

Snow was winter ...

Snow was winter ... do it yourself, do it yourself

The door is installed, I will save money on the staircase

The door is installed, I will save money to the staircase with my own hands, do it yourself

In the meantime, I begin to wash the walls, the draft floor and the insulation of the floor of the floor.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Finally failed electricity, spent a normal light with switches

Finally, it summed up the electricity, spent a normal light with switches with their own hands, do it yourself

Old wooden double-glazed window: Skrene, painted set. Will go to the first time, glass are planted for sealant

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

It was decided to make a warm floor

There is no money for the fill, it was decided to use a non-infidal building material, bought for a penny on Avito. Later, during operation, it turned out that this is quite enough.

It was decided to make a warm floor with your own hands, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

The tubes are then filled with dry sand (without stones) in one level with boards. then there will be a CSP sheets on top of which you can do at least a laminate at least linoleum to what the soul lies

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Sheets cut ... I had to have enough strength to raise a whole sheet alone.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Source of hot water

The "Real" boiler per 100 liters of stainless steel. The choice fell on him, since the parents have been the same for 12 years and everything is in order, the price at that time was 9500 r.

Source of hot water with your own hands, do it yourself

Electric concrete at 6 kW should be enough (an extension area of ​​50 m2).

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Heating manifold

Heating manifold with his own hands, do it yourself

until they are installed in the collector, the tube looked not very

before they are installed in the collector of the tube did not look very hands, do it myself

I proceed to the finish finish - it will be a children's room.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Not a picture of how the ceiling was made - the plasterboard on top of the edged board then putty, the seams are reinforced with the grid, then painting with water-emulsion.

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Children's room

Children's room with his own hands, do it yourself

Made a slope on the window (I did not do it myself, they helped familiar)

Made a slope on the window (I did not do it myself, they helped familiar) do it yourself, do it yourself

Hall - Another partition has been made here, I just didn't photograph when it did, she divides a large room with two windows for two one more - the hall is another smaller - the kitchen

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself


The door to the bathroom is prepared for painting.

Kitchen do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself

Budget housing for a young family do it yourself, do it yourself


Bathroom with your own hands, do it yourself

In general, I built housing yourself, someone will say that I will be killed that many mistakes maybe it is, I'm not a professional builder and guided by information on the forums by construction, but at that time I did not see the exit of the current situation, and therefore decided About construction. By the budget - Met 250 thousand rubles, built for almost two years, every day after study. Now attached another extension over the bath - another 30 sq. M. Metrov, made an entrance from the transition, installed the staircase. In the future I plan to buy land plot and build a separate house. Everyone who watched the post thanks!

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