Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man


My other day, I was born unexpectedly, even for me, a decision to dispose of rhiven socks of my beloved husband. I consider myself not what would plush, but, like most needlewomen, I do not like to throw things without a fight.

After a test bottle in the autumn style, I decided to make a bottle in the marine style. Do not try to repeat thoroughly, everything is done in minutes of creative impulse, by the trends of the soul. Listen to your soul and do the way she asks.

To start the process, we take a sock from her husband, clean, of course, you can have a holey (if we do not make a loved one, but as a gift or for sale, we buy a nonsense to the store in the store), we take a batch from the shelf once a bottle from under "Belisa "Or how he is in Russian there, take plaster, a bunch of seashells and pebbles, and proceed.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

Before mixing the gypsum, we think about your health and put on a protective mask. At the might of the gypsum in the air, many small particles flies and when entering the respiratory tract can settle in the lungs.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

Gypsum put into the water, the proportion of approximately 1: 1 - I did on the eye. Mix thoroughly. At first it's just a muddy driver who quickly begins to thick.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

Without waiting for the thickening of the gypsum, we lower your favorite sock of your beloved husband (the main thing that he did not see this).

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

We dress your sock on the bottle, forever hiding from white light the work of designers bottles labels. Give it the form that your imagination will tell. My suggested to me a very banal thing - the sea = waves, everything is simple. And plug in a tiny toilet paper than you have to. What would not be like with the first bottle - she from the inside turned out too slightly plaster.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

And again the time has come to think about health now our hands. I hope that you have already removed the mask as soon as the gypsum was mixed. And now we wear rubber gloves and a green t-shirt (so the photo will turn out to be more beautiful), otherwise it will be like me when I forget to wear them when working with wet gypsum - the hands will become dry and rough. And now, trying not to violate the idyll created before, in a thin layer of plaster. Gypsum by this time should already thicken a little, turning into kefir. When the gypsum thickens even more and becomes sour cream, smear something extra on the sock, for example, missing folds, smear holes on the sock. In general, we create with all the ardentity of my soul, achieving ideal forms and reliefs.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

We do not create for a long time, and we can not have time to turn the plaster into the oil and then already in a stale bread. For all about everything we have a maximum of 10 minutes.

To be honest, I do not know how long the gypsum is finally hard. But, as they write on the Internet, for 10-15 minutes he, for some reason, it does not harden. Therefore, we admire our creation until it becomes very stone and dry. We admire and continue to create, now already finding that our creation is an excellent object not only for a photo ...

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man
Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

.... But for ridicule.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

And then the next day came, well, or just you felt the cold of the stone and the dryness of the desert. We run to our masterpiece, let out the primer and all it carefully covered it. We discover that the primer is wildly stinking, we take a laptop from the workshop and go to do something until the evening, just because this primer dries the day.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

For the coating of the primer, I use sponges for washing the dishes, because the tassels are then missing me too lazy, and the sponges give a more smooth coating than tastes. I use the primer with the next photo, good, but painfully stinking.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

In the evening, when the primer is already frowning enough, we take a gun and shoot a cat with a thermoclaim and begin to decorate our artwork even more. We glue seashells and pebbles (or that your creative nature required there), you can and are not beautiful, still fill. Slightly cover them with a paste with a paste acrylic embossed coarse (can not be white). And leave it to dry it until next morning.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

We understand that the bottle still stinks, and she stinks on the balcony, which in the bedroom, take the bottle, and begin the rapid movement towards another room, open the door, stumble on the cat, fight the foot about the cant, a bottle of gender, it is all worried , we pull up a husband from the cat while he did not strangle her for a causal injury, chrome take a bottle away from the bedroom.

In the morning we glue everything that fell as a result of the evening adventure of shells and pebbles, we begin the most interesting creativity - painting our bottle. We use acrylic paints. We start with the darkest - cobalt blue. Paint them completely all the bottle, all small depressures and folds, all shells and pebbles.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

It will be the depth of our sea, there are most likely terrible fish that have never seen the light ... from "In Search of Nemo", you probably have everything familiar with them.

When cobalt blue will dry up, we take paint with a brilliant - turquoise. And I also paint the whole bottle, but not climbing in all sorts of plain and folds. It will be a bright sea, there are good fish and sharks, who eat good fish.

The next layer will add some plankton. He will have emerald color. I really do not really know what kind of color it is, but I have exactly seen the emerald in the sea waves. It is now only in the tops of the protrusions, almost a dry tassel, but so that the protrusions would be painted almost completely.

In the photo below left to right - cobalt blue, turquoise and emerald. At the final photos, you can consider closer, as colors are located, and then on these as it is not very, probably understandable.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

Now we draw sea algae. To do this, use acrylic paint chromium oxide.

It remains to add a little reflection of the sky (heavenly blue) and sea foam (Belil Titanium). Reflection of the sky Paint with a practically dry tassel, touching only the most edges of the protrusions, across them. Sea foam we appline a very dry tassel, just across the protrusions with a tough bristle brushes.

In the photo below - algae, reflection of the sky, marine foam.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

We admire the result, and let him finally get sick.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

But it is not yet. Our inquisitive creative mind suddenly decides that something is missing here.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

And, obeying him, we start creating a fishing network (the flower here seemed inappropriate to me).

Take the remains of Tulle of a suitable drawing (grid). Since this will be used by the network, slightly toning it in a solution from acrylic paints UBRA Zajaja and soot gas (called ... brown and black).

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

With the help of the thermopystole already known to us, we adjust the network on the bottle.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

So the network looks like a foreign element. For successful integration into a bottle, we glue pebbles, shells that will not be painted, so they should be beautiful. And smear, imitating the waves, again embossed paste.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

We paint the embossed paste and the network in the lower end in the same sequence as the entire bottle, trying not to hurt beautiful pebbles and shells. We cover the network slightly algae (read - paint plates with chromium oxide). Refresh a little sea foam so that it stands out more. That's all.

We put a bottle on the shelf and enjoy the result of our work.

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man
Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man
Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

Bottle of beloved sock of beloved man

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