Useful device that can be made from the syringe


A simple device from a disposable medical syringe that can be used in everyday life for various purposes.

Greetings to all self-dealers!

Today I want to tell about one very simple device, which, however, can be very useful in everyday life. And you can use it for many purposes.

In order to make this device, you will need a disposable medical syringe (preferably the volume of more) and plastic straw for cocktails (the best - curved). In addition, to expand the capabilities of this device, it is also desirable to have a suitable segment of the Cambrid or a flexible silicone tube (there can be a tube from a medical dropper).

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

To collect this device, simply put on the spout of a straw straw for cocktails (it just fits it).

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

In another embodiment, on the spout of the syringe you need to wear a flexible tube or a segment of a suitable Cambridge, like me.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

So, such a simple device is very convenient to use for a variety of domestic purposes. Moreover, they can be divided into two categories: when you need to remove the excess fluid from any hard-to-reaching place, or vice versa, when you need to add liquid to any hard-to-reach place.

If we talk about the first category, this device is very useful when removing excess water from the pallets of indoor plants. So, during irrigation of houseplants, sometimes (especially if you overdo it with watering), it happens that excess water pass through the soil the pot and accumulate in the pallet, from where they can shed on the window sill or on the floor.

And in this case, the easiest way to remove excess water from the pallet is to use this adaptation. Since the straw, planted on the syringe, is quite thin and passes in almost any narrower pallet, then in just two times it can be easily sucking with a syringe water from the pallet.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

In the same way, you can remove excess water from the surface of the gas stove. For example, if water from the kettle splashed on the plate during boiling, then it is usually necessary to shoot all the dishes standing on the plate, and at the same time and the grille, and then remove the excess water with a sponge or cloth.

However, with the help of our fixture, water from the plate can be easily removed without removing dishes at all. It is especially convenient if the water is clean and there is no need to then wipe the stove.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

In the same way, you can remove excess water from hard-to-reach places and when defrosting the refrigerator.

Moreover, if we need to remove excess water from any hard-to-reaching and complex on the form of a tank, where it is impossible to shove the plastic straw, then in this case a flexible tube or a segment of Cambrid is just suitable on the tip of the syringe.

For example, I have, here is such a water shutter of industrial production, which is installed on the cooking container for homemade wine or beer.

And for the first time, by ignorance, I added too much water into it. And I noticed this enough late when fermentation in the container has already begun and removed the water shutter completely to pour water out of it, it was already undesirable.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

As a result, to remove excess water from the water shutter, I used the syringe with a segment of Cambrick, which I easily shoved into a complex water shutter, and in the end it easily removed excess water.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

By the way, remove water or other liquid with a syringe with a straw or flexible tube can, in principle, from anywhere and even just from the floor. For example, I had a case when I had collected the milk with the floor for a dog, which, in fact, my dog ​​and shed, taped my bowl of my paw. The collected milk, I drained back to a bowl and a dog drank him with pleasure.

As for the second embodiment of this device, that is, adding fluid somewhere, then there can be at least two successful examples.

So the syringe with the straw, very well suited for watering a small, barely sprouted seedlings. At this stage of growth, seedlings can not be poured even a small flowing water, as thin stems can easily be damaged or break.

And with the help of a syringe and straw, it is possible to water seedlings literally on the droplets, and the plants themselves can not even be watched, but simply press the tip of the straw to the ground and, thus, we gradually moisten the entire land in the container with the seedle.

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

Useful device that can be made from the syringe

Another way to use such a device is the lubrication of the rubbing parts of any mechanisms, especially if these parts are in a rather hard-to-reach place, for example, inside the housing or casing that does not want to disassemble. In this case, machine oil or other liquid lubrication is pre-flooded in the syringe.

Well, in conclusion I want to note that I listed only the most basic (currently known to me), methods for using this device, although in fact, they can be significantly more.

Well, on this I have everything! So far and wish all homemade workers, successful and useful ideas for household homemade!

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