15 ways to turn old T-shirts in stylish jewelry


15 ways to turn old T-shirts in stylish jewelry

You are the mistress-clever and do in time in the audit closet. But how to be with the pile of things that came into disrepair? Something to social services - there it will determine where it follows, well, and the old T-shirts will be more useful to us!

15 ways to turn old T-shirts in stylish jewelry

Today "so simple!" Offers 15 ideas of jewelry, which can be done, having a couple of old T-shirts at hand! Fashionable and extravagant, they will suit a variety of clothing ensembles and give a highlight to any image.

Decorations from T-shirts

Materials for work

  • Soft T-shirts combined in color
  • Copper tubes
  • Brass rings of various sizes
  • Various chain size
  • Shorders
  • Buckles and fasteners
  • Schwenza (hooks) for seg

Decorations from T-shirts


  • Cutter for tubes
  • pliers
  • scissors
  • Lobzik
  • Small sandpaper

Tip: Materials needed to work in stores that sell accessories for jewelry and needlework. For buying it is better to go, having a picture with the necessary set before your eyes.

    1. Coquette necklace with fringe

      Cut the T-shirt on the strips of 1-2 cm wide. Tensile them so that the edges be swirling inside. Prepare the required number of ropes depending on the desired result. Tightening on a chain rope as shown in the photo.

Decorations from T-shirts

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Multi-level necklace with copper tubes

      Very stylish decoration! For the manufacture of necklaces stretched 5 strips of material of different lengths. A cutter for the tubes to mark space for cuts, dug up the jigsaw more and sanding the edge of the edge with sandpaper.

      Decorations from T-shirts

      Tubes on the tissue strips.

      Decorations from T-shirts

      15 ways to turn old T-shirts in stylish jewelry

      Adjust on a flat surface of the length of each tier and fasten the ends in the fastener.

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Earrings with rings

      Take on each earring of 2 strips of a length of 12-15 cm and chains. Sign them together by a node on brass rings. Coffin to the rings of the Swedza.

      Decorations from T-shirts

      Simple and concise!

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Suspension with fringe

      Something resembles a jellyfish ... Screshing on a copper tube. Macrot ropes in the form of fringe. Through the tube extended the chain of the desired length.

Decorations from T-shirts

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Necklace with brass rings

      Three strips of different color of gossip into a pigtail, gradually rubbing it through the rings. After a couple of workouts, it will be necessary! Ends of ropes custhal pliers in a fastener.

Decorations from T-shirts

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Triangular earrings

      Grinding small pieces of fabric through a tube long no more than 2 cm. Fabric ends fix the clip, covering the twins. Through the tube to extend the chain and make sure that it will not slip away.

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Braided bracelet

      Speak together different rope thickness, add a woven pigtail to them. The ends of the bracelet fix the clip with the clasp. Unconditional favorite!

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Wicker necklace

      The principle of this: First, do a few braids of the fabric, the chain intertwined into them, fix the edges of the clips. Collect the necklace, riding pigtails on the rings through the holes of the clamps. Coffin chain of suitable length.

      Decorations from T-shirts

      It will become one of your favorites!

Decorations from T-shirts
15 ways to turn old T-shirts in stylish jewelry

    1. Fabric feathers

      Cut from T-shirt oblong pieces of fabric, scissors give them the shape of feathers. Changing the clasp - Earrings in the Indian style are ready!

Decorations from T-shirts

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Brass rings bracelet

      The principle of bracelet production does not differ from the necklace under No. 5 in our list.

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Thin necklace

      Of the two fabric ropes and chains of gossip pigtail, the ends of which fix the clips with the clasp. Grind through a pigtail tube.

      Decorations from T-shirts

      Looks very cute!

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Wide bracelet

      Capped by nodes from two sides of the wide rings of the tissue strip. Fabric ends buckle.

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Volume braided necklace

      This necklace is made of 3 braids, which then have been done through the rings. End connections with a chain.

Decorations from T-shirts

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Volumetric necklace

      You love him! Decrease from T-shirt 10-20 ribbons of the same length, stretched them. The edges of the journal in the retainer, which grows through the ring. Coffin to the ring chain of suitable length.

Decorations from T-shirts

    1. Indian friste

      This decoration is done in the same way as the first necklace, but with a much longer fringe. Present hit!

Decorations from T-shirts

As you can see, there are very stylish things from unnecessary things!

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