That's why I stored a piece of chalk in a drawer with cutlery appliances! These 14 tricks are amazing ...


Pictures on request That's why I stored a piece of chalk in a drawer with cutlery! These 14 tricks are amazing ...

The usual chalk is an invaluable treasure, if you know how to use it correctly. The pieces of chalk can be found in different parts of my house: it is very practical material.

Having learned the hidden properties of the chalk, you will definitely use them! Each of these ideas deserves attention. Especially useful to learn about white collars!

How to use chalk

    1. Chalk against fatty spots

      Fresh fat stain will disappear quickly, if grate it with chalk and leave for 10 minutes. Then you can wash the thing in the usual way.

Fat stain
Whitening of collar before washing sodium collar chalk. It will save any tissue of snow-white and prevents the appearance of yellowness!

Spots on suede shoes Fat stains of incomprehensible origin on such a delicate material, as suede, very simply removed with the help of chalk. Slightly sodium shoes chalk and leave so night. The next morning the stain will disappear!

suede shoes
The smell in the laundry basket is a piece of chalk in a basket with dirty linen will absorb all the extra smells and moisture. For orders in the basket it is important to change chalk to a new approximately once a month.

For shiny cutlery, put a piece of chalk in a box with cutlery. This will help keep their wonderful brilliance for a long time - chalk will protect silver and melchior from humidity.

silver plate
For the preservation of jewelry, a piece of chalk will be appropriate in the jewelry box - no favorite thing will hang out!

Jewelry box
The tidy wardrobe so that in the wardrobe is always pleased to smell, place several chalk panels there. The best means against sharpness!

If the furniture needs to move the chalk of the place where the furniture is now, and then move it. This will help the most effectively reorganize the space, given every trifle.

Protection against rust in the tool box is simply necessary to put a little chalk! This will protect important items from rust.

The stains on the ceiling and the walls of scratches, dents, lower and stains on the walls and the ceiling can be masked with chalk.

Stains on the ceiling
Against ants of ants to endure the lines drawn by chalk. Check the problem places with chalk, and ants there will not appear there.

Bleaching Nail chalk perfectly whitens the inner nail surface. Use a brush to clean the nails with chalk.

If the key gets stuck in the sodium lock with chalk, if it is hardly rotated in the lock. The chalk will absorb excess moisture and dirt inside the castle, and it will work proper again

If we grasp the screw cap with chalk, the screwdriver will not slide.

key in the castle
Color chalk with their own hands you can give chalk any color and shape, mixing it with water and edible dye. Then it is enough just to place the mixture in a curly mold and give to frozen.

how to make color chalk

Now you know that the chalk is not just a means for drawing on the board and sidewalk. Tell your friends about these resourceful decisions, they will be interested!

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