She splashed the paint the usual grater. What happened, I want to call a miracle!


She splashed the paint the usual grater. What happened, I want to call a miracle!

Home interior items Set the tone to all the dwellings. Modern designers believe that the most original things are created by the delicate of the heart: it is not necessary to choose an expensive material, the main thing is a brilliant idea ...

We have collected examples of the most impressive things to decorate the house. There is unnecessary dishes, old wooden frames, unusual cutlery. This chance to realize fantasy, making a small world of your home much more comfortable!

Interior items design

    1. Little Frames for photos Turn into a stylish decoration for the kitchen, you just have to glue magnets to them.

Frames in the interior
Original coffee table From the old frame with an ornate leg.

Frames in the interior photo
Pincushion And needles in a pretty framed.

Ideas for interior
Frame or picture can be adapted as a stand for the necessary securities. Another idea: a menu that will give any kitchen solid look.

Frames in the interior
Good idea for storing jewelry. All in sight!

Comfortable Desktop Organizer which is easy to make with your own hands.

A wide frame with shelves inside: not only reflects the kitchen, but also creates an extra room for dishes and useful kitchen stuff.

Brilliant idea for storing keys.

Wooden frame can be hung in the bathroom and use how Towel dryer.

Hooks from spoons will well look in the kitchen and in the hallway.

An unnecessary grater becomes a magnificent stand for trifles, it will become more spectacular if you paint it with bright paint.

Idea for stylish lamps.

The kettle, who inspires! This decoration will be appropriate in any room, the contents of the chairs can be changed depending on the mood ...

    1. Wonderful flower pots from old welders.

Great in such a cup will look like a stone rose ... I will certainly do that!

The chandelier of the colander may look very expensive and modern.

Budget lamp that will create an indescribable atmosphere.

Modern interior items They differ from ordinary furniture with their originality, a non-bank approach to conventional details of the interior. You are the Creator of Wonderful Things in your home, do not deny yourself the pleasure of becoming a virtuoso designer! You will definitely happen ...

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