How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat


Powerful laptop is a worthy investment. But even the most expensive and pumped models have one significant drawback - they are terribly hot. So, buying a new laptop, do not forget to buy for him and the inadential cooler. Or save money and make it yourself. It is much simpler than it seems.

Tired that the laptop overheats and it affects its performance? Bad News: In the future, this can end not only relatively harmless (but annoying) "brakes", but also a serious breakdown. So the sooner you take care of a special stand, the better. Moreover, it can be done independently. The simplest, but efficient design offers the German blogger stish.

How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat

How to make a simple stand-cooler for a laptop

To make a support-cooler for a laptop, you will need:

1. Drum wand;

2. 3 dense gum (elastic bands for money);

3. Small saw or file;

4. Measuring roulette;

5. Pencil

How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat

Measure your laptop width and cut the drum wand so that the cylinder is long a couple of centimeters shorter than the laptop.

How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat

With the help of a saw on a stick, three depresses: two for a couple of centimeters from each edge and one exactly in the middle. Drink them with emery paper and on top wear and firmly fix the rubber bands. If you use gum for money, fold them several times to make the ring it is thorough.

How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat

How to make a simple stand so that the laptop does not overheat

Treat the edge edge of the sticks so as not to slip - and the stand is ready! Just put it under the laptop as in the photo. No overheating (the fan holes are not blocked), no slip on the table (thanks to the gum), and even convenient to work angle. Pleasant use!

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