Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework


Surely everyone heard and more than once that laughter prolongs life. So I was puzzled - why?

It turns out:

  1. With laughter, endorphins are distinguished, the so-called "hormones of happiness", which strongly affect our organism - they are anesthetized, normalize the work of the internal organs, the immune system is activated. That is help us to be healthy.
  2. The laughter acts about 80 muscles, while training the press, shoulders, chest and diaphragm, improves the quality of breathing and blood supply to tissues and organs, and also reduced cholesterol levels.
  3. Laughter strengthens the heart. The laughter can be compared with exercise, this is a kind of massage of internal organs. According to statistics, funny people are 40% sick with cardiovascular diseases. In addition, laughter reduces blood pressure. Laughter also helps with tuberculosis - active exhalations purify lungs. Strengthening the heart and lungs - laughter prolongs life.
  4. Laughter is relaxing the body. It is enough to distract from sad and sad thoughts and laugh with a joke, as the muscles relax and the body relates. 5 minutes of healthy laughter = 40 minutes of a relaxing holiday.
  5. Laugh is rejuvenating. With laughter, the muscles of the face are given in the tone and there is an additional blood flow to them. And we all know that good blood circulation is a guarantee of fresh young skin and a good face color.
  6. Laughter burns calories. 10-15 minutes of laughter burn about 50 kcal.
  7. A good sense of humor usually increases self-esteem, it allows you to feel calmer to your failures. Accordingly, less stress is longer life :)
  8. A laughing person is more open in dealing with people, attracts more attention, more has a more chance and, accordingly, has more chances for success.

Here are some more facts about laughter:

  • There is a laugh science - gelotology (section of psychiatry).
  • Even a fake smile has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the brain work, raising the mood
  • "When we just laugh unrestrained, both hemispheres are disconnected here, and the brain works in the alpha rhythm, and this is a rhythm of relaxation, so this laughter is the most useful" - says the psychotherapist Rimma Umärova.
  • At the age of six, the child laughs up to 600 times a day, at the age of 8-10 years - 150 times, and the adult man laughs on average 6 times a day.
  • For a smile, 17 facial muscles are involved, and for the gloomy expression - 43.
  • Only a person can laugh (although some animals can smile).
  • Women on average laugh 2 times more than men.

The conclusion is obvious - it is very helpful to laugh! And we, needlewomen and needlewomen, especially, because we usually have a lot of sitting work, which is not very well reflected on health. And it is necessary to take care of yourself, walk, engage in some kind of physical exercises and ... Of course, laugh more!

Periodically, different funny pictures are published in different handicraft communities and forums. I keep such pictures to yourself in a separate daddy. What for? They wonder me, raise the mood, and I am going to print them in the future and make a collage in the workshop.

I want to share my mini-collection with you, smile!

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Laughter prolongs life

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Well, on the sweet - my most beloved:

Laugh help: funny pictures on needlework

Thank you for your attention, everyone good luck, good mood and more fun in life!

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