Cheap and angry: 12 unusual applications of plastic straws


12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Sometimes even a small invention can change the world and conquer nationwide love. It would seem, did humanity need a drinking straw? American Marvin Stone who received a patent for the first "tube" from paper in the distance 1888, was confident: it is necessary. And it turned out to be right: besides that this little thing instantly adds +10 to an appetiteness to any drink, it appreciated everything that suffers from problems with teeth. But for that Marvin did not count exactly, it is the ingenuity of the descendants. Just see what unusual applications they found his brainchild.

We do not know which straw could turn the back camel from the famous proverb, but we know which 12 unusual applications can be invented for an ordinary plastic "tube". And many of them will be unexpectedly useful in the economy.

With the help of plastic straws for drinks, you can:

1. Support broken colors

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Maybe he sounds and romantic-dramatic, but really extends a bouquet life and improves its appearance. Simply insert the stalk into the straw.

2. Never confuse which cable where is connected

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

For a better effect, it is better to make "bageiks" of different colors and even sign them with a marker.

3. Pour bike

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

For such a budget, but spectacular decorative, pick up the straws of different colors (if you find such that fade in the dark - generally jackpot!), Cut them into several parts, and then each segment can be cut again, across.

4. Do abstract painting

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

For this, paints are needed, water, a lot of fantasy and straw as a sprayer. What if the second Jackson Pollock is tightly sleeping inside you?

5. Extend the shelf life of food

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Many, going on the road or amazing home stocks of provisions, shift food into a plastic bag ("Zip Lok") for tightness. And, nevertheless, part of the air still remains inside, which is inevitable (although a little slower) will affect the quality of the product. The next time before Packing lunch in plastic, leave a small hole in the package, insert the tube there and breathe deeply, pulling the remnants of the air. Now it resembles a vacuum more.

6. No longer to unravel these irritating knots on chains and necklaces

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Skip every chain through the straw and beat your fragile nerves.

7. Make flute and learn to play on it

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Is there any musical instrument (or musical hearing) can stop the impulse of a creative person?

8. Visually demonstrate the principle of siphon

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

9. Make individual containers for salt, sugar and spices

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Cut the straw into several segments. With the help of iron (do not forget to use rolling paper as a gasket), melt the tip of each fragment, as if sealing it. Put sugar, salt of coffee or spices to the resulting container, and then in the same way "Seal" from the other end. Such homemade poems are very convenient to take with them on the journey.

10. Turn any glass into a glass of McDonalds

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Just cover it with a paper or cardboard basket for cupcake, having done in its middle a hole straw. And even compote in the country will be a little more cooler.

11. Make a "tripod" for a funnel

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

12. Clean your teeth

12 unusual applications of plastic straw

Just bite the tip of the straw so that it turned out a slightly pointed edge, and look at the beauty. Slow and carefully. Extravagant way, but it works. Just do not do it in a public place. And do not tell anyone that we suggested you.

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