How to cook gel for washing


Today I will share with you a recipe for cooking gel for washing. This is a cheap and safe replacement of chemical powders. I will not tell you from what powders do and how they affect our health, for you can easily find detailed information about it on the Internet.

How to cook gel for washing

So that I was not accused of plagiarism, I will immediately say that this recipe I saw on the site of masters in soap.

Who can be interesting to look at this site on this link and read all the discussion of this gel.

The only thing I changed the proportions mentioned there, instead of calculating 1 kg. Gel, I recalculated for convenience to 2kg to use the entire piece of soap immediately. Tatiana (DAFNA), which posted this recipe, I express my huge thanks again. Tatiana, in turn, requested to indicate that this recipe belongs to Anna Tikhonova (TAV) from the Forum

- Also, this recipe can be found on foreign sites, for example, here All initial sources that have the attitude to this are indicated, now we can contact directly to the recipe itself.

We will need:

Water - 2 liters.

Calcinated soda - 80gr (approximately 4-5 tablespoons)

Soap Antipyatin -100gr

Lemon essential oil - 10 drops


The calcined soda, otherwise it is called is washing soda. Chemical formula - Na2CO3. It is with her that a gel is prepared for washing. Sell ​​it in household or construction stores.

Food soda is a completely different substance. From food soda, such a gel will not work.

How to cook gel for washing

2 - So, we will prepare everything that we need and proceed ...

How to cook gel for washing

3 - we rub the soap on a large grater, bring the soap chips into the saucepan and pour it with 1 liter of water.

How to cook gel for washing

4 - put a saucepan with a squeezed soap on a water bath and stirring periodically, dissolve soap.

How to cook gel for washing

5 - second saucepan, it is desirable to take a liter on 3 so that it is convenient to mix the resulting gel in it. In this saucepan, heat out another 1 liter of water and ...

How to cook gel for washing

6 - ... Dissolve soda in it

How to cook gel for washing

7 - mix well until the soda is completely dissolved

How to cook gel for washing

8 - our soap was miraculously dissolved, and we pour this soap solution into a saucepan with a soda solution.

How to cook gel for washing

9 - last turn 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Do not be scared of such a yellow color when the gel cools, it will become white)))

How to cook gel for washing

10 - and again stirring ...

How to cook gel for washing

11 - ... Let's put our gel cool.

How to cook gel for washing

12 - And when he cooled .....

How to cook gel for washing

13 - ... Let's work in a potato ...

How to cook gel for washing

14 - ... and make puree. Particularly lazy can use a mixer, for example, or a blender. I just mix my hand.

How to cook gel for washing

15 - for storage, put our gel into a tight cap capacitance

I keep the gel now in such plastic vessels from the salty. And the nature does not litter and the second life)))) they close tightly and always seen how much gel is left. The only minus their capacity is only about 1 kg.

How to cook gel for washing

16 - You can add to such a box, it is convenient to store it under the bathroom.

How to cook gel for washing

17 - one more question: - How much should the gel put? Over time, you yourself will understand how much gel you need for washing. As a landmark, about 120-200 grams per drum. You can measure the number of gel without weights, for example, a jar of yogurt, and the most convenient to measure and put it right into the drum, here in such a special jar. It is just a special markup.

How to cook gel for washing

18 - Instead of a rinse, with a washing gel, we use an ordinary 9% vinegar (2 tbsp. Spoons), it will help remove soap remnants from linen and deodoric. When the lingerie dries, it will no longer smell the vinegar. For those who do not tolerate the smell of vinegar, you can not add it at every wash, but at times you still recommend rinse with vinegar. And to be honest, the unpleasant smell of vinegar is unpleasant only at the first washing, and then you do not notice it.

How to cook gel for washing

19 - ATTENTION !!! Vinegar must be poured into the rinse compartment, as a rule, this cell is indicated by a chamomile form icon. Vinegar should get into the drum at the time of the rinsing cycle.

How to cook gel for washing

For white linen, you can add a bleach, but it cannot be mixed with the gel, and you need to put into the cell for the powder and wash at a temperature of 50-60 devices.

There is another option to prepare such a gel, but with the addition of a bora. If anyone is interested in this, you can read on the site indicated at the beginning of the post. Remember that it is impossible to wash with soda clothes with a special coating or a membrane surface, as well as woolen things!

What I want to say. I myself have many questions at first. The most important, and whether such a gel is dangerous for the washing machine. People from the soil forum, use this gel for several years and write everything that there are no problems with machinery. I love to check everything, and only when I checked everything myself and was convinced personally, to answer. In this case, I can say that I use this gel about 3 months, while everything is fine. With my congenital sense of love for your health, I decided so: if the machine will even break, it can be fixed, and if my health breaks, after using chemical powders, it will be much more difficult to repair it, and it is impossible at all.

This gel is safe for young children, and as a pleasant bonus, the small cost of such a gel, while erases it is no worse than powder. Approximate cost of 2 kg of gel - 32 rubles. A miracle from him, of course, no need to wait. This is a common means for washing, so if you have something failed to wash, you need to understand what you need to get used to it, pick up such a number of gel so that the result is arranged. The biggest plus is that this gel does not contain any chemical nasty, which is so abundantly put into powders! And most importantly, he is done with his own hands! Bravo

You will be pleasantly surprised, but I am not only erased by this gel, but I make cleaning in the house. It launders perfectly - tile, faucets, bath, toilet, stove, hood, plastic windows, kitchen cabinets from fat launders. In general, almost everything you need to miss. I have not tried it yet, but I think the fabric on the sofa or chairs it will be perfectly cleaned. The only gel can leave white divorces that will be visible, say on a dark floor or on the glass, but they can be washed away, the rubbeds again.

I now cook now 6 liters of the gel immediately, so as not to cook every week, because he has a lot of consumption, taking into account the fact that he goes to washing and cleaning. Gel calmly stands and does not deteriorate, the only thing it is necessary to mix well, so that it is better dissolved in the typewriter.

Additional information from Tatiana:

- The gel is very good on the soap of antipetin and on the soap from scratch (if you cook soaps yourself). On his soap gel more gentle;

- with the addition of the boral gel erases better;

- Delicate fabrics and especially natural silk - soap do not like - look for them an acceptable soft liquid product. I am generally thin blouses erase in shampoo with hands (hair shampoos and gels for the shower that give holidays in sets)

- Jackets (upper), which have impregnation - erase with a special liquid means, but! Lew half the recommended portion and additionally,

- instead of rinsers I use only vinegar;

Here is such an easy way to return to your home clean and freedom from chemistry! Hurray!

I thank everyone who looked at visit! I wish you health! Thank you

Your Yozh! Thank you

P.S. I ask for all people who did not like the gel recipe, you don't need to rush like that with empty phrases. This is not my invention, I just want to tell people who are interesting, this recipe. If you have reasonable evidence that this gel spoils the typewriter or somehow depresses aliens, or something else in this spirit, write, I will listen to you with pleasure. But write, just like that, because you did not like it, no need. I did not like it, please go to other works. No need, my dear to spend your precious time on the tribal time, because on this site and in life, there is so much interesting and exciting, which is better to use your time for more interesting things.

Thank you for understanding!

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