Decorating the dress by the Russian handkerchief: master class


A unique outfit can be created using a writer Pavlovoposadian handsome. In this master class, I will share my way to decorate the dress fragments of a woolen scarf.

Decorating the dress by the Russian handkerchief: master class

Decorating the dress by the Russian handkerchief: master class

You will need: - suitable woolen handkerchief;

- thin adhesive dublerin on a knitted basis;

- Circled Dress Details;

- glue edge, cut by oblique (you can buy or carve yourself).

As well as: - Portnovsky chalk and washed marker;

- scissors;

- Santimeter tape, portno pins;

- Sewing machine, hand needle for sewing, sewing threads.

1 step

Since the scarf has a very loose weave of the threads, the main task is to strengthen it, while maintaining plasticity and avoiding superfluous thickness.

Duplicate fine weightless adhesive gasket on a knitted basis. To prevent the squeezing of the cuts, you first need to smoke the desired parts of the shawl and only after that cut.

I decided to decorate the top of the shellf slightly above the outlined pulp triangular fragment. Folding is more convenient to raise after the decor performed.

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class
2 step

Next, you need to securely fix the scarf fragment on the selected dresses section to accurately sew it and that it is not shifted in the process of further work: when the shoulder joints are sharpening, the threading of the hoses, the neck processing.

To do this, you need to put a fragment of the handker with an invalid on the front side of the shelf, notify it around the perimeter of the neck "forward needle", and then throughout its area, "kicking" tissue (bubbles).

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class

3 Step

In order that when adjusting the application, the tissue does not stretch out and did not go wave, the sewing place of the fragments of the handkerchief on the details from the main tissue with the inside we glue the oblique adhesive edge.

For a more accurate result, that Zigzag passes precisely on the edge, in advance the area of ​​the sizing stitches in advance.

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class

4 Step

Next, we adjust the fragment of the header with the front side of the curly edge with a dense zigzag. The width of the zigzag should not be too big, but it must safely capture and spend the shawl slice. I chose a 3 mm zigzag width and maximum density.

Only after that he is stepping out the castings that begin directly from the place of overlaying the header.

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class

After executing appliqués with decorated parts, you can work as usual. Since the detail of the dress at the site of adjustment of the application is duplicated by the adhesive edge, the withdrawal of the dress is better to close the lining.

Decorating the dress with Russian handkerchief | Master Class

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