How to make a barometer from the light bulb


If there is access to the Internet, then the barometer itself is like and is not needed. True, the weather forecast often sums up with false predictions. I suggest you make your own hand barometer from the blinking light bulb. This device will probably not let you down.

The barometer is made from a conventional light bulb with a capacity of 60 ... 150 W, and it does not matter, a suitable light bulb or burned. In the design, the balloon itself is used. All that needs to be done to turn the light bulb into the barometer is to drill a hole in a glass cylinder with a diameter of 2 ... 3 mm. The hole is located at the top of the glass sphere as close as possible to the basement. Of course, drill a hole is not so simple - with a strong pressing, the thin-walled glass cylinder is immediately scattered into pieces. To facilitate the task, you first need to drill a small hole in the end of the base itself so that the air goes inside.

How to make a barometer from the light bulb

Recommended hole drilling technique:

  1. Push into the vice base light bulbs so that it is in a horizontal position.
  2. Choose a drilling site - where smooth surface begins after the narrowing, and it is a drop of oil (machine or sunflower).
  3. Fill the drop with abrasive powder, scaled with sandpaper of medium grain.
  4. Push into the cartridge of a small drill instead of drill a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 2 .. .3 mm and carefully drill, making up for a minimum of effort. Flag light bulbs wrap with paper or napkin. When the hole is ready, the first opening (in the end of the base, if it was done) should be coated with plasticine. The bulb screws into the cartridge with the mount (ring) for hanging.
  5. In the hole about half a half, the flask is poured tinned for better visibility of water. Barometer is ready.

How to make a barometer from the light bulb

The manufactured barometer is suspended on the window where there is no direct sunlight. With plus temperatures on the courtyard (summer), the barometer is preferably placed on the outside of the window. At temperatures close to zero (spring, autumn) - between the frames, and at minus temperatures it is necessary to carry it deep into the room so that the water does not frozen in the flask.

How to make a barometer from the light bulb

When the moisture appears in the atmospheric air than it is contained inside the flask, it condenses (as dew) in the space above the water. By the nature of condensate and judge the weather:

  1. Space in the flask above the water is clean, without any drops - dry, sunny weather is expected.
  2. Small frequent droplets of condensate - tomorrow will be cloudy, but without precipitation.
  3. Drops of the average size, and between them - dry paths vertically - partly cloudy, somewhere close rain, but short-term.
  4. Rare large drops - cloudiness, short-term rain.
  5. All space free from water, in large drops, which, connecting with each other, flow into the water - will soon be heavy rain.
  6. It rains on the street, and there is almost no condensate in the flask - soon the rain will end.
  7. Large drops are only below, at the surface of the water in the light bulb - the rain will pass the side.

At minus temperatures, this barometer, alas, does not work.

The idea of ​​such a barometer "threw" a friend. She said that such a printed in the 1980s in the journal "Young Technician". I did not find the article, I did everything from the words of a friend. But it turned out, oddly enough, a completely working "thing".

How to make a barometer from the light bulb

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