10 unusual methods of using multicookers who are not related to food cooking


Secrets of using multicookers.

Secrets of using multicookers.

Surely many owners in the kitchen have Takai universal when cooking the unit as a multicooker. It turns out that this kitchen electrical appliance can also be used not only to prepare a delicious lunch. So, using a multicooker ...

1. Get rid of unpleasant odors indoors

Get rid of unpleasant odors indoors.

Get rid of unpleasant odors indoors.

Those who used a multiple know, as during cooking a kitchen just flagrants with delicious aromas. If you fill this device with water with the addition of a pair of drops of aromatic oils or simply put into water sliced ​​fresh fruits, remove the cover and turn on the slow mode of cooking (weak fire), then the room will soon be filled with fresh flavors. If you need to simply neutralize unpleasant odors, it is necessary to mix the food soda with water and "put it to prepare".

2. Make soap

Make soap.

Make soap.

The recipe is very simple. It is necessary to take a glass of cold water, ¼ of the liquor (100% sodium hydroxide), ⅔ glasses of olive oil, ⅔ cup of coconut oil, ⅔ Glass of sunflower oil (can also use almond oil or grape seed oil). From this you can prepare the present homemade soap in a slow cooker.

3. Make from multicooker humidifier

Make an air humidifier from a slow cooker.

Make an air humidifier from a slow cooker.

If the air in the apartment is too dry, you need to pour into a multicooker water and add a little balm from the cold Vicks Vaporub. Then you need to put the kitchen assembly in the room (away from the bed, so as not to burn among the night) and turn on the minimum cooking mode.

4. Make your own candles

Make your own candles.

Make your own candles.

If you want to make a candle with some special aroma, you can fill the container of a multicooker with flakes from soy wax and just add any desired flavors. In the process of cooling the resulting mass, the wick should be placed in it.

5. Remove paint

Remove paint.

Remove paint.

To remove hardened splashes of paint with metal hinges, door handles or other fittings, you need to dial into a liquid soap multicooker, soak out accessories in it and briefly turn on the device to the minimum level of cooking.

6. Make a moisturizing lotion

Make a moisturizing lotion.

Make a moisturizing lotion.

To make a solid moisturizing lotion for peeling skin, you need to take the pellets of bee wax, butter, coconut oil, butter with vitamin E and any aromamasla.

7. Make lip balm

Make lip balm.

Make lip balm.

Why buy lip balms, if you can make them yourself their beeswax, coconut oil, almond oil and mint.

8. Insist your own oils

Insist your own oils.

Insist your own oils.

Aromatic and herbal oils are a key ingredient of many cosmetics. It turns out that instead of spending a lot of money on herbal oils, they can be done in a slow cooker. You just need to take the desired herbs, flowers or other plants, put them in the water and put to boil for 8-10 hours.

9. Make natural sunscreen

10 unusual methods of using multicookers who are not related to food cooking

Make natural sunscreen.

For those who do not like to use chemistry, the recipe is suitable for self-cooked sunscreen: shea oil, coconut oil, beeswax, olive oil, vitamin E and zinc oxide. A similar cooked in a multicooker is also suitable for the treatment of eczema, burns and help stop itching caused by mosquito bite.

10. Make plasticine for children

Make plasticine for children.

Make plasticine for children.

For 30 minutes in a multicooker, you need to cook a mixture of flour, corn starch, salt, wine stones, water and oil. After that, the mixture must be added to the mixture of the desired color, mix and put cool.

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