How to clean the frying pan from Nagara


How to clean the frying pan from Nagara

From the frequent use of the frying pan, it can be covered with Nagar, and something needs to be done with it. In itself, the Nagar is a mixture of fat and scale, which highlights the metal during the heating process. So, the hitting of Nagar in food is extremely harmful to health. Therefore, do not start the frying pan before the deplorable state when the slices of the nagar can be separated from the walls and get into the food.

It is necessary to remember that the pans are from different materials, and therefore the cleaning methods for all types of alloys will be different.


Teflon coating pan

This type of pan is the most trouble-free in terms of care. Since they are originally covered with teflon, which does not allow to form in a row on both sides - and outside, and from the inside.

But there are cases when it turns out even the Teflon Skin. In this case, you just need to pour hot water into it and soak for 30-40 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can drop a drop of detergent in the frying pan or pour 3-4 tbsp. soda. When interacting with nagar, soda and the degreaser will dissolve it, and everything you need to do is to lose a little pan with a non-rigid washfish. Be especially careful with abrasives, they are contraindicated for teflon pan - as Teflon is easily scratched, and the food will begin to burn the food.

Teflon coating pan

Stainless steel frying pan

Steel is the most capricious material from which pans are made, scratches, divorces and scratches are easily visible on it. In addition, food is easily burning to such frying pan. There are several methods for cleaning stainless steel:

  • Salt. This is the most common way to clean steel frying pan. You will need about half a glass of cook salt, which you need to pour on the bottom and leave in a frying pan for a couple of hours. Salt will enter into the reaction with Nagar and thus softening it. Later, you can easily wash the frying pan from fat and nagar.
  • Soda. Soda also shows good results when cleaning steel pans. Just wet the walls and apply to a thick layer soda. If possible, leave the soda in a pan for a couple of hours. Later you will see that the Nagar will be separated from the walls, like the old splashing paint, and you will not be much difficulty bring your skillet in order;
  • Vinegar and citric acid. By definition, it is clear that the acid dissolves almost everything, and especially when heated. Therefore, just pour a slightly vinegar, add a couple of lemon spoons and put the frying pan on fire. When boiling, Nagar will start separated from the walls. When the liquid starts to wrap heavily, you can clean the frying pan from the fire. Next, with the help of the brush, you can easily remove the dirt residues from the frying pan.
    Stainless steel frying pan

Cast-iron pan

The cast iron frying pan is hotly loved by our moms and grandmothers, and even today she does not leave many kitchens. And this is not surprising, because such frying pan is considered almost eternal. They are not soothered in care, do not distinguish harmful substances in food, and so they do not lose their appearance over the years. Everything you need is to count on time. So, on cleaning the cast iron, there are a number of recipes:

  • Recipes for steel pans - For cast iron, all the same recipes are suitable as for steel - soda, vinegar, citric acid. In addition, cast-iron pans are not afraid of active abrasive cleansing, so you can safely clean with their brushes, and metal washcloths;
  • Salt - Pour a thick layer of salt on the bottom and fill everything with vinegar, leave to stand for about 15 minutes. Next, put the dishes on fire and bringing to a boil, pour a glass of soda. After 5-7 minutes you can shoot from the fire. Put under cold water and rinse under running water. With the help of salt, soda and vinegar, a reaction occurs, which softens the nap and easily allows you to separate it from the surface of the frying pan;
  • If you were able to wash the frying pan before the shine, then first of all, before the next cooking carefully Take a skidding otherwise the food will be very burning. The thin layer of fat on cast iron frying pan is a natural non-stick layer, so do not wash it out to the end. Mosgorically make sure that the Nagar does not become too thick and did not get into the food.

Cast-iron pan

Ceramic pan

This is extremely popular lately type of pan, which has a very smooth homogeneous surface. But in care, such frying pan is very whimsical and demanding care. If you scatter badly, you can damage the top layer, because of which the food will begin to burn. Therefore, for ceramic lots, you need to buy special care products that can carefully dissolve the nagar, without damaging the surface and its structure.

We told you about the methods of cleaning different types of pan and hope that you will find suitable tips for yourself. But the most important thing is to follow the utensils, care for dishes. Bucket utensils and but allow you to build up too large in a nagar layer, as it is harmful to health.

Ceramic pan

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