Cleanner tips: 10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week


10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Show us a man who sincerely like to clean (despite the "Thank you"), and we give him a medal. From soap. Joke. And if you seriously, love, do not love, and you need to clean in the apartment. And in order to have a clear plan, what to pay attention to first, find out what 10 things in the house Professional Cleiners advise to clean strictly every week.

Tuned for weekly cleaning? Do not care for everything and immediately. The process will go much easier, faster and more efficient if you will clearly know where to start directing cleanliness. And professionals advise the weekly thorough cleaning ...

1. Copying the week clothes

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Washing once a week - the Golden Middle between normal hygiene and excessive "turning" on purity. At least according to specialists

2. Furniture in the bathroom

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

You are hardly thinking about it, but it turns out that if your bathroom is connected to the toilet, clean the surface is strictly recommended at least once a week. We warn that the argument is informed: when you merge water in the toilet, the smallest drops are released into the air and settled on all available surfaces. With the whole logical content.

3. Carpets and flooring

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Cleeners remind: Vacuum cleaner is the best pets. And it takes it to every week, because otherwise you will literally tap the dirt and dust from the carpet surface deeper and deeper to the base of the pile. What quickly will lead it to not the most attractive state.

4. Dust from the surface of the furniture

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Want to breathe deeper and easier? Wipe dust every week!

5. Bed linen

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

After all, it accumulates particles of your skin, sweat and skin fat. It sounds not very attractive, right? And such a small reason can easily provoke pore blockage and the appearance of acne on the body.

6. Kitchen surface

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Even if the kitchen looks purely, poor fat and food particles are settled on its surface and have the property to accumulate. Do not want to drag the table top before the arrival of guests - arrange the kitchen quick cleaning every week.

7. Sink and bathroom

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

We will be brief: mold. Mold loves wet surfaces, so that with its invasion you need to fight on an ongoing basis.

8. Toiletz

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

The occupation is not the most pleasant. But in order to significantly simplify it, pour a bleach into the glass, armed with a rod and quickly walk along the inner surface and under the rim of the porcelain friend. Even easier? Make "bombs" to clean the toilet without hands.

9. Floors in the kitchen

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Because crumbs on the floor have the property to accumulate, shooting between tiles of tiles. And sooooo attract cockroaches.

10. Mirrors

10 things in the house that need to be cleaned every week

Because we want to see themselves in the best light, right?

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