Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands


Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

The kitchen is the place of collecting the whole family. Therefore, its design should have a cozy conversation and create a mood. The chandelier in the kitchen with their own hands is the original lighting device. At the same time, if you intend to make it on the proposed schemes, you still get a unique thing, which is not one of your acquaintance. After all, you are guided only by the process side of the process, and the selection of the color range and decor is already a manifestation of personal preferences and ideas.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

It is easy to create a real masterpiece that will rejoice in its unusual appearance for a long time.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From thread

Threads will simply create a light lampshade, which looks very stylish. It will remarkly fit into the interior of any kitchen, it will only be left to choose the appropriate color of the thread. Thick cotton threads are ideal in this plan, but woolen are not suitable.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

  • In order to make a chandelier to the kitchen from the threads, inflate the balloon. Its size determines the dimensions of the future lampshar. At the base of the ball with the help of a marker to draw a small circle.
  • PVA glue should be pouring into a small cup and gradually, treating them thread, winding it in a chaotic order to the ball. The drawn circle of the threads cannot be concerned. It is not worth handling a large section of the thread. Forest patience, as the work will have a monotonous and long, but the result will be awesome. You can simplify work if you pierce a bottle with glue (closer to the base) and stretch through it thread.
  • After the whole ball will be covered with a layer impregnated in the thread glue, we leave it for drying on the day. If the resulting skeleton is hard, the product is ready and the ball can be blown away. We specifically drew a circle on which it was not necessary to wind threads to pull out a broken ball through the resulting hole. This stage of the process requires accuracy.
  • It remains cut down the hole under the cartridge and hang lampshade in the kitchen. Additionally, such a chandelier can be decorated with paper or tissue butterflies, flowers.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From wood

Wooden chandelier will suit the kitchen in oriental style, country. For small size, it is not suitable.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

  • The easiest option is brucks, in which the "fish eyes" are inserted.
  • A wooden wheel from an old grandmother's ribbons can also be used to create a beautiful chandelier. It will become the basis on which matte plafones are fixed.
  • An interesting design decision will be chandelier from small twigs. To create it takes a beach ball. It is pumped and wrapped with a food film. Next, these frames are pasted small branches of trees in the form of the letter "y", the length of which is not more than 12 cm., And the thickness is 0.5 cm. The branches are dried.

In order for the frame to not fall and was reliable, the branches are glued at 3-4-points. As a result of the work, a spherical design of branches is obtained. If desired, the branch can be painted.

  • Another option is to use branches of different lengths that cascades are fused from a round frame. In the form of such a lamp, resembles a medieval chandelier and looks unusual.
  • To create a spectacular chandelier in several floors, wooden clothespins are suitable.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From glass canas

The advantage of chandeliers from glass cans is that the glass is heat-resistant material and use conventional incandescent lamps with this material safely. Special banks will be needed for work, i.e., those who are unscrewed lid.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

  • On the lid, the banks in the center find the contours under the cartridge. So that the diameter of the circle was the desired size, remove the screwdriver with the cartridge and circle it with the marker. Next along the contour the hole is cut. This can be done a drill, drilled holes as close to each other and squeezing the resulting circle.
  • In the resulting hole inserted a cartridge with a light bulb. It will be necessary to simply spin the jar on the lid.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

You can collect several such cans into one bundle, hang them at different lengths, paint in different colors. Very interesting can be looked by banks of different sizes.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From fabric

From the fabric you can make a very beautiful lampshade, which will refresh the kitchen and add raisins.

  • For this, the old lampshade is suitable. If it is iron, then it should be cleaned with sandpaper and cover the primer layer.
  • In a bowl we break glue for fliesline wallpaper and put a fabric that will serve as the basis. The surface is better to make a textured, having guaranted the fabric and forming chaotic folds from it.
  • After drying, staining the lamp shade of the desired color. It is easy to do with a sponge for dishes. Leave again to dry the paint.
  • Now the chandelier can be decorated at their discretion. For this, artificial leaves, flowers, beads, twigs, ribbons are suitable.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

Another option to create a lampshade of the kitchen fabric is the use of ready-made rugs. Cut the cloth such a design is simple enough. Artificial flowers, lace, braid are also used for the decor.

To create a delicate composition, use roses and white tissue. And for a kitchen in a rustic style, multicolored fabric stripes are suitable.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From Bead.

Unusual, but very beautiful lampshade, you can create with the help of ordinary beads. To do this, you will need a frame from the old lamp. Beads of different sizes and colors, fiberglass - all this is rolling on the fishing line, forming an interesting bright web between the two frame hoops.

To make a gentle and light lamp, you will need two species beads: pearl and transparent. They should be fixed on silver wire so as to imitate branches. The resulting decor elements attach to the rings forming the chandelier frame.

In the mixed interior of the kitchen, the chandelier made of wooden beads of large size, painted acrylic paint.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From plastic bottles

Many of us accumulated a bunch of plastic bottles from under the soda, with which beautiful lampshade can be made.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

  1. Initially cut out the leaves of different sizes.
  2. Their edges process the soldering iron. You can even "draw" them streak. So the sheet will look natural.
  3. In each leaf of the base, we do a small hole.
  4. We form branches. To do this, you will need a copper wire with a length of about 20 cm.
  5. At the base of the branch, we place the leaves larger, by the end - smaller.
  6. The resulting branches are attached to the frame.
  7. Light bulb will make their way through the plastic foliage and create an amazing effect.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

From kitchen utensils

Conventional items without which kitchen space does not appear, can also help create unusual lamps.

  • Tea cups. The old service released from the fashion can turn the usual chandelier frame in the masterpiece. The kettle is located in the center of the chandelier itself, and the cups with saucers - along the edges. Depending on the design of the frame, the cups can be placed the bottom up or down.

Little lamps from cups suspended at different heights will look very stylish.

  • Spoons and forks. Plastic spoons will need plastic spoons to create an unusual ceiling. They cut off the handle. The resulting details in a checker order is covered with a plastic bottle of 5 liters with a capacity. Such a chandelier resembles a large bump. If you wish, you can paint it.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

If you do not cut off the handles in spoons, but to send them to the outer side of the lamp, then such a chandelier will look like a needle Astra.

The easiest way to create an unusual chandelier is to save them old lampshade. Very effectively watch white and silver spoons.

Another option to create a chandelier of plastic forks and spoons - to form a ball of them. Looks futuristic.

If iron spoons are located on a circular frame, then a spectacular chandelier in several tiers in the spirit of the Middle Ages will be obtained. You can add a series of tea cups, hiding them on the handles.

In the same style, it looks like a chandelier with forks, which alternate with chains, large glass pendants and beads.

Chandelier to the kitchen with their own hands

In the manufacture of a chandelier with their own hands, you not only create a unique thing, but also invest in it a part of your soul. The joy of creativity is nothing inclusive feeling. Such a subject of the interior will radiate heat in all senses of this word.

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