Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!


Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Good morning dear friends. Today I want to tell you about the French knot.

So, to embroider in the technique of the French node can even beginners: the algorithm of work cannot be called too complicated, even if it requires a short skill workout. The paintings obtained by using this technology distinguishes the volume and relief, as a result of which the French nodules are perfect for the design of pillows and plaids, towels, as well as clothing, bags and accessories. Moreover, it is not necessary to fulfill the whole picture in this technology - you can only put accents.

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Look at the work performed by the French nodule for inspiration:

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Decorate the clothes by the French nodule is a pleasure. Embroidery looks like a stroke of color beads.

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

How the seam is performed by the French knot to master the bulk embroidery will be able to even beginners. To make excellent work, you need to work out the technique of performing one element. How to make a French knot in embroidery? It is necessary to prepare fabric, threads, chamber, needle. The node should be formed like this: pull the material on the chap; thread fix from the wrong side; needle from bottom to pull upstairs; thread take into the left hand; needle to bring close to the material; thread crush around it by winding three turns; needle to buy inside out, next to the point, from where it was done. This finished work turned out to be neat, successful, experienced embroiderers are advised from the beginning of education: to use when embroidered atmosphere; monitor the thread not twisted; hold it to the end of the element; When forming a nodule, save the needle close to the fabric; Making a thread should always be carried out in one direction; do not hurry in work; For volumetric elements, it does not increase the number of turns - use thicker threads; for volumetric elements, it does not increase the number of turns - use thicker threads; Stitches are uniformly; needle to take out very close to the place of input; It should be very acute.

Schematically embroidery French nodule looks like this:

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery by French nodule ribbons

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Embroidery French nodule - simple and fashionable! Modern clothing decoration trend!

Threads for embroidery only on your ideas depends the choice of threads for French embroidery by nodules. So that the image looks volumetric, in the foreground uses darker tones than behind. The greater the number of colors will be used, the more interesting the result. Picking up the threads, consider:

Small, small elements, similar to the beads, are obtained if they are embroidered Moulin; For larger size, a wool yarn is suitable; Volumetric flowers are embroidered with ribbons; Convenient thread length for work - 30 cm - big will be confused, and a short one will often have to replace. What fabric is suitable for embroidery by the French knot

Special shooting should be given to the choice of fabric: if you want to embroider a picture or flower, choose a dense canva. When using loose fabric, the nodule can be pulled out on the wrong side, porting work. You can embroider with a nodular way ready-made products from any dense matter. Because when using tapes, more voluminous elements are obtained, work is allowed on a knitted canvase. French knot in this case, you can decorate even knitted things.


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