Cotton jumper Overseasiz


I have long wanted to associate yourself some kind of swing, but I could not build the right pattern - Oversiz still should clearly sit on the shoulders and not help anywhere. I thought "not destiny," but I found a cool sweatshirt in the store, removed the pattern from it, adjusted, tied a trial jumper, once again adjusted and - here it is, my perfect oversais :)


New Tennessee, 214m / 100g, Spokes number 3. 700 grams gone, plus 40 grams of unknown cotton from residues - for planks.

From above-down in a circle. Fake seams slightly beveled forward. Oaka sleeveless added heights to continue the line of the shoulder bevel. The shoulder squeezes moved down to remove the angle at the top point of the OKAT. The planks had to be made color, because the main yarn was not enough, but even better.

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