8 original ways wearing a scarf


8 original ways wearing a scarf

On the replacement of summer outfits finally came warm things that will warm us in the next few months. And without a scarf or handker, we can not do. We offer unusual options how to wear them.

Freely hanging scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

This is definitely the easiest way that is suitable absolutely to any type of outerwear. It is enough to throw the scarf on the shoulders, straighten, and your autumn image will acquire completion. This option socks is especially relevant for long scarves and scarves of a rectangular shape with a bright print or with brushes.

Under the strap

8 original ways wearing a scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

Such an alternative to the application of the scarf will not only allow it to be replaced by poncho, cardigan or cappa, but also advantageously emphasize your waist. For the role of the locking element, both wide and a narrow neutral belt is suitable.

As a headquarter

8 original ways wearing a scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

If you fear that the usual headdress can spoil your laying, pay attention to a wide scarf, handkerchief or palatine. It will become an excellent replacement of hats, beret or caps. Take it on your head and, if you wish, wrap the ring around the neck. This method will not only retain the hairstyle, but also soften the features of your face. By the way, the scarves on the head again in the trend!

Sketch "rings"

8 original ways wearing a scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

Another simple, but no less popular option for long models. Depending on the length and material, the product can be transferred one or several times around the neck, and the ends tie the knot, hide under the resulting "cocoon" or throw behind the back. Beauty, comfort and warmly guaranteed!

Inverted triangle

8 original ways wearing a scarf

8 original ways wearing a scarf

Everyone is a well-known way to dilute and add any autumn image. For execution you can take a scarf, a handkerchief or a palatine square shape that you need to add up opposite ends to each other. We put the "triangle" on yourself, the tips throw around the neck and hide under the selected product or leave on the shoulders.

In the form of a bow

8 original ways wearing a scarf

Non-standard, but easy method to tie a scarf, which will definitely become a highlight of your dress. For it, they will suit both scarves and ordinary scarves. The bow can be a small size and keep the form or to be performed in the free option. To make it, wrap the accessory around the neck so that one end is short, and the other is long. From the long part, form a circle and fold in half, then tie the circle to the second end in the center and tighten the node. The bow is ready, it remains only to straighten "Wings".

Instead of slander

8 original ways wearing a scarf

If you suddenly wanted to wear a sneody, but it is completely not suitable for your image, just take and make it from an ordinary long scarf. Attach the middle of the product to the neck, wrapped the ends. If the model is long, repeat these actions two or three times. Now neatly hide the ends of the product, while driving them under the upper layers.

Unusual knots and weaving

8 original ways wearing a scarf

A variant that has no pronounced borders and clear instructions! For execution you can use a long or medium length product from completely different materials, it all depends on your imagination and originality. Losers in such a stylist "duel" will definitely not be.

8 original ways wearing a scarf

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