What can be made of old keys: ideas for home


Tell me, do you have a bunch of old keys? I have, and decent. I do not know where she came from, why storing, but unnecessary keys carefully add to the already existing. So I would dust my unclaimed wealth is unknown how much if not if ...

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Old keys

Recently, an article on the unusual application of cutlery - it turns out, there is truly wonderful ideas! I read, looked and thought: what are the keys worse than the forks-spoons? Is it really nothing interesting to come up with anything? And it began to look for creative solutions - what can be made of old keys. As it turned out, they can also be attached to both practical and decorative purposes. For example:


The idea of ​​replacing Roman or Arab numbers on images or original items is not Nova. Instead of them on time dials you can see anything: signs of the zodiac, emoticons, figures of man and animals, buttons from the keyboard, buttons ... The list can be continued for a long time, I think you yourself saw something similar.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys on the dial

It turns out that the keys on the dial also look very interesting.

Lamps and ceiling lights

At first glance it seems that without special skills, it is impossible to create such beauty. However, looking attentively, it can be understood that there are no special difficulties in the designs. On the photo on the left, the lamp shade is made of a wicker grid (if I'm not mistaken, Magnier). The keys to it are simply tied by threads (fine wire) in any order. In captured on creating a simple lampshar, you can go to a more serious product and make a flooring. Of course, if you have enough keys in stock)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for lampshades

A little time and patience, an old metal rim from the wheel, a few chain meters and a dozen-other keys, and you are a happy owner of the copyright ceiling lamp. No such rim? Give the will of fantasy and creative flight of thought - replace it on the bicycle, or take the steering wheel from the car, or the old colander, the grid ...

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for copyright ceiling lights


Amateurs of romance also did not go unheated: ideas are easy to perform, but the candlesticks are decorated with keys acquire a completely different appearance, right?

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for candlesticks decor


It turns out that the keys are perfectly coping with the role of hooks.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys in the role of hooks

Stand holder for decorations - beautiful and convenient: bracelets and chains will not slip.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys - holders


The original pickup for the curtains: if the chain does not like, it can be replaced with beads, braid, or just attach a pin - with each option the key and suspension will look different.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys on pickups for curtains

Klya can decorate sofa pillows. To sleep on such, of course, it is not recommended, but as an interior decoration is a very interesting option.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys - Pillow Decor

Conventional bottles will look much more original if they tie their beautiful keys to their neck. If only it is not enough, you can additionally decorate the vessel with lace, sequins, buttons - what your soul will wish)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys - Decor for bottles

An enterprising people is where only does not fit the keys, and everywhere they look quite to the place.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Ideas for decor

I like that almost everything seen quite can be done with your own hands. Some ideas can be realized in a couple of minutes)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
A little time will go to decoration

From the bottle or ball from the keys, I would not refuse, but this is exactly the option that does not work independently - there is definitely a master.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
The work of real masters

For lovers of mobile, 4 basic options have chosen from which you can start up by creating your unique design. As you can see, the ideas of execution are diverse - you can choose your taste.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Mobiles from keys

The keys decorated doors and walls.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys - wall decor

Old keys - an object of inexhaustible ideas for completely unnecessary (in terms of practicality), but mandatory to create a coolest thing. They make gaze and soul, give individuality to the interior, silently testify to the presence of a sense of style from the owner.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys on Panel

The keys for craft can be used not only in the usual, familiar form. They can be painted, paint, decorate as beads, beads or rhinestones.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Key decor options


Perhaps the most sought-after direction is the manufacture of jewelry. The number of ideas is so huge that it was difficult to choose options for the demonstration - all are good. It is good. - The key and chain (ribbon, beads, cord), and so that you add as suspension - the personal preference of everyone. It is wonderful that no decoration created by your own hands is not exactly repeat - to whom you want to wear like everyone else!

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Decorations with keys

But these instances are called differently than the works of this master, the language will not turn.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Author's decorations

Bright, stylish, spectacular! And the basis of the decoration is the usual key!

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Origine and beautiful

From the keys you can make such interesting bracelets.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for bracelets

And earrings)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for Serg.

And rings. In general, with their help you can create a whole set of decorations)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Keys for rings

There are "key" ideas for a wedding fashion. From a beautiful key will be an exquisite boutonniere for the groom.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Boutonnieres with keys

New Year decoration

Decor professionals were able to see in ordinary keys even New Year's decorations! For example, here are the original snowflakes. They are quite possible to decorate the door of the house, if the soul does not lie to the Christmas wreaths (like me, for example).

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Snowflakes from keys

Or adapt them to decorate the Christmas tree! The easiest option is to just bind a bright ribbon. And if you want something more interesting, take brushes and paints and turn the key to Santa Claus or a funny funny snowman.

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
Christmas christmas toys

You can paint them "under gold" and glue a couple of small toys (and at least from the kinder surprise).

Or make such adorable dragonflies. Think difficult? Not at all. We take a tracker, cellophane (not soft), cigarette paper - what I want to see as striking wings, or what is in stock) accommodation draw the usual gel handle. When the drawing is dry, faming it, then stroke the warm iron (not hot, otherwise the paper will remain, and cellophan and melts at all) to give the naturalness of the wings, they are not perfectly smooth. Cut and glue to key. All, the author's christmas decoration is ready)

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home
And more Christmas decorations

In conclusion, I will offer to your attention a stunning installation "key in hand." To create it, the Japanese artist Tikharu Syota took about 50 thousand keys (professionals work with a scope!). Yes, I would like to see it in the middle ...

What can be made of old keys: ideas for home

Which ideas seemed to you worth?


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