Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor


In the hallway it is very difficult to maintain order, but perhaps if everything is organized correctly.

Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

If you are a happy apartment owner with a spacious hallway, you are big lucky. And what if not? Narrow, dark and eternally cluttered things, a widespread option, with which many have to put up. Boots, raincoats and coats, jackets and umbrellas - everything has to be stored in the corridor. Familiar situation? Then see what you can do:


Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

The photo is typical entrance hall: narrow and stuffed things. All these things are really more convenient to store at the entrance door, but it can be done differently.


Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

Yes, with hangers, jackets and coats were missing for a while, but it is only to show how one of the walls is decorated. Fabulous beauty Wallpapers, which is saved by a small section of the wall, will delight the eye immediately at the entrance to the house. And, since the corridors are usually isolated from the rest of the rooms, you do not need to worry about how they will be combined with the design of other rooms. If the ceilings are high, you can paint the top of the wall by selecting the shade combined with wallpaper.


Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

The suspension cabinet is already a good solution, but this is very small, and does not accommodate everything that should fit.


Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

The only reasonable option may be a cabinet over the wall, from the floor to the ceiling. It will also fit clothes, and shoes, and accessories. In this embodiment, it was possible to drown a wardrobe in the wall, so it is much deeper than it seems at first glance. And to conveniently worked, a small stool is provided, which does not interfere with the passage.


Before and after: Cool alteration of a very small corridor

And, since everything is already removed into the closet, the hangers can be used for trifles. They can be placed hanging baskets for scarves or dog leashes, hang keys and umbrellas or hang a small mirror. Important details - a picture above the entrance door, on which you pay attention only when leaving the house, and, of course, a very stylish spherical lamp.

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