Glowing houses for New Year holidays.


Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

New Year holidays And Christmas will not cost without candles that create the unique magical New Year's atmosphere. Candles look good and by themselves, but put in a special house, look just magically. In addition, if the children are at home, it will be safer than the candle. This master class will help you make such original glowing houses made of metal foil.

We need:

- Metal foil

- cutters

- scissors

- Pencil

- glue "moment"

- ruler

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

1. Gold or silver metal foil A4 format divide into 4 equal parts. On one side, leave 1 cm on the seam. The height of the house of the house is 8.5 cm, the height of the walls is 5.5 cm. On the side of the inclined side to the very top of the roof, add 1 cm on the seam. These added centimeters will bend and glue the house.

After cutting the outline of the house, draw all the windows and doors on it, as you can see in the photo and cut down a sharp knife. Little windows on the roof will help when Ignoring the candle. After that, you can proceed with the decorative design of the house. To do this, we will need a pencil with a stupid end (it should not be sharp enough that the foil is not broken), which gradually circle the contours of the windows, doors and roofs.

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

2. As a substrate, when applying decorative elements, a pencil can use soft rubber or a rug in order for drawn contours better to stand out. It is best to try before starting the drawing to try foil on a piece of foil so that the drawing was expressive and at the same time the pencil did not break the foil.

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

3. Patterns are decorative, so we use simple motifs and forms. For the sample you can take a house with a photo.

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

4. When patterns are ready, fold the house, bend the strips added to the seams and gradually glue the "moment" glue. When gluing requires patient and accuracy, the foil will not stick immediately!

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

5. Finally a lit candle put on a flat plate, cover the house. And the magical New Year's house on New Year holidays Ready!

Glowing houses for New Year holidays.

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