My favorite cubies


My favorite cubies

Lagenaria (Lagenaria Siceraria) Or a rustle, or a pumpkin, the only representative of the kind. This is one of the most ancient cultural pumpkin plants, unknown in the wild. The culture was extremely widespread on all continents. Lagnamenaria is an annual creeping liana with a faceted furochy sowed stem length of up to 15 m and pentagonal corrugated leaves, in the sinuses of which are satisfied with a single small white tubular flowers with a wheeled bearded. Young wound with loose pulp, possessing a slightly bitter spicy taste, eat in food. The ripe fruits dries the flesh, and a cow shell consisting of weed-to-wear elements and containing stony cells becomes extremely durable, completely waterproof. For residents of India, China, South America, African and Oceania islands, the lagenarium still did not lose their economic significance and is used everywhere as vessels for storing liquids, manufacture of kitchen utensils, musical instruments, toys, etc. From the seeds extracted food oily oil, And from long flexible stems weave hats and baskets. Mature lagenarium fruits are so easy that they do not sneak in salt water and are able to swim in the ocean without damage and without loss of seeds to the Seeds. With ancient times, accidentally getting into the Atlantic Ocean, the fruits of the lagenarium, picked up by the ocean currents, made sailing from the shores of West Africa Brazil or through the Pacific Ocean came from Southeast Asia to Peru, and from there with ancient residents of South and North America spread throughout the continent

This is a sample of ancient home dishes. It is special, it is also called dishwashed or bottle. Such pumpkins were used in everyday life: they kept salt, flour, pepper (they are always dry), in other places wine, vegetable oil, milk (freshness of the product is preserved in the pumpkin), they wore water to hay, kvass (cold and water and Fragrant) When a pumpkin dries up, scraping the top layer knife and the unusually smooth surface of yellow warm color opens. This surface is alive, it is breathing, so it can not be painted with paints, and even more so lacked. The best drawing for the surface of the pumpkin to apply burning. To whom this technology is interesting, I will write more.

The unusual exhibit of the pumpkin-cube with rope tied to the neck is standing in the local lore Museum of Volgograd. I found such a pumpkin on the attic of the old grandmother's house. I was struck by her pear shape and ease. Inside the seeds are preserved, but they were spoiled by mice. Only two seeds remained. They planted them. And, about a miracle, seeds sprouted! So I began to grow my own cubes. To confess, I used to read about Moldovan masters on the processing of decorative pumpkins and the manufacture of decorative things from them. I got myself and material about the folk fishery of Middle Asia-Rodkavak, so called the pumpkin-treated pumpkin, and I wanted to use the beauty of pumpkins, and the ability to use it in modern everyday life. I began to collect material about different types of decorative pumpkins and found a thousand-rustic pumpkin with a long cylindrical throat. Many people, for the first time, seeing such a pumpkin cannot believe that such an ideal form creates nature. I was sent the seeds of pumpkin-Gorlyanka, and I began to grow my ornamental pumpkins. In the Volga region it is better to grow decorative with the help of seedlings, which in early June I plant in the ground. The plant blooms with white fragrant flowers, it woves up to 4-5 meters, if it is not segged. In order for the fruits to be large and ridicked, it is necessary to pinch a liano, after 4-5 inflorescences are started. Pumpkins ripen in September. I cut them and storing in room conditions before drying. They become light and bright, however, the thickness of the walls of the Cuba is very durable, like a tree. When the pumpkin dries up, scrape the knife or razor top layer and opens an unusually smooth surface of yellow warm color. This surface is alive, it is breathing, so it can not be painted with paints, and even more so lacked. The best drawing for the surface of the pumpkin to apply burning .. I am not going to a large collection of cubes, I give them my friends to whom they bring joy. And I want this joy to return to our house in the form of a pumpkin forgotten.

Who wondering will tell you more about technology. And these are links to photos of my cubes

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