Decorating a bottle


Decorating a bottle

Given the feminist sentiment for the last couple of centuries, I think that not just every man, but every woman should build a house. But we are still weaker, so the house will be smaller. Naturally, the process of manufacturing "House" was not photographed (good thoughts are known when comes), I will try to tell in more detail. First, I get self-hardening clay (sold in the stationery store, in stores for needlework, etc.) mercilessly, straight from the total piece, we tear away small, if possible, the same pieces, slightly roll off their fingers, flatter, and distinguish with your fingers, and Where the "tile" will be located, the most common superclell, for example, "Moment Crystal" (when I bought, I needed it transparency for another thing, and in this case any superchalter is suitable), immediately apply the "tile" in place. So, laid out the first row, the lower, let's dry, continue in the same spirit with the second next, just now put the "tile" slightly brass for the first row. Again, shorter drying. The third row was faced with the fact that there was an empty place before the neck. In order not to be emptiness, I poured there the glue moment, gave to dry. Here you need to fill out that the third row does not hang in the air, they still build on the century. By the way, the emptiness can be filled with a layer of the same clay, but give her a little bit. My third row I have the latter, so you need to upload "Tilenkins" carefully and back to the neck. The top of the bottle is designed similarly, on top of the cone from the same clay, on the superclela.

Decorating a bottle

Initially, the bottle was assumed to open up and had a cap with a cork, but a cunning mother, jerking in battles with my all kinds of trash ... Pardon, wealth, accumulated by unbearable difficulty, had time to throw at least the lid. So my bottle is purely decorative. So, after the final drying (the clay at the same time it becomes very solid) the bottle is painted with acrylic white paint in 3 layers with a hard pile with a tough pile, so it turned out a small effect of "plaster". "Tile" carefully score the paint of the appropriate color. Now the most "tasty" - decoupage. Yes, yes, I do not know how to draw .. The Lord artists can continue to read further. For such as I continue. We buy a decapigar card - I have on rice paper (not Ponte, just such a thing got), depicting various parts of the house. Cut out, apply, try on, we glue the PVA glue, we gently fly with a cloth. We are waiting for drying. In those places where I "did not have enough" exotic, the marker across the disks drawn forged parts with the junks.

Decorating a bottle
Here is another perspective.

According to the mind, it would be nice to cover the bottle to be wrapped, but I still have not reached it before. But I don't give potatoes with a bottle, so it will still live without a varnish. :) :) :)

A small advice on self-hardening clay - she very quickly loses moisture and begins to crumble. Therefore, it is necessary to store it only very tightly wrapped and packed in the package. When I do, remember it too. And if it immediately did not work out what I wanted, and the clay began to crumble, sprinkle hands from the spray gun, let him stand near all the time, ride clay in his hands and it will become the same. Good luck!

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