Lovely belt for trees: why it is needed and how to make it


Cultural plants, including fruit trees, are susceptible to the negative impact of numerous pests that wake up in the spring along with all the rest of life. So, each owner is obliged to take measures to protect trees, if the harvest does not want to lose first, and then the green plantings themselves. The easiest and proven way to combat pests was the installation of the "Lovehouse Belt".

Lovely belt for trees: why it is needed and how to make it

IMPORTANT: Protection on trees is applied twice. The first - even before the appearance of the first leaves in the spring. The second is after ripening and starting fruit.

Dry lobby belt

Lovely belt for trees: why it is needed and how to make it

Dry trapping belts for pests are made of porous fabric, rigid tissue or paper. You can also use old stockings, dense rubber and even cotton wool. The band of the selected material should have a width of 20 to 30 cm. A trap is installed at an altitude of about 30-50 cm from the ground level. The essence of the method is that insects creeping up or down (and other pests) are guaranteed to trap, from which no longer can get out. Lovely belt must be made in the form of a funnel. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to do two directed up and down. Of course, such a leaky belt will need to check and clean regularly.

Adhesive Lovely belt

Lovely belt for trees: why it is needed and how to make it

Sticky Love Belt is made a little harder funnel. It is used primarily against ants and Tly. For the manufacture of the trap, it will be necessary to solve the compositions of "not drying" glue. These compositions can not be applied directly to the plant. First, it should be made a dense, impermeable substrate. It is made of burlap, which is simply tied to the trunk with a cord at a height of 20-30 cm. On top of it, plastic film is attached. It is important that between the edges of the protective belt and the beginning of polyethylene there was a distance of at least 5 cm. The composition is applied to the film. In addition to shopping facilities, "folk" can be used. The task perfectly copes the resin and tar.

Poisonous Lovely belt

Lovely belt for trees: why it is needed and how to make it

Finally, special insecticides can be launched in the cause of pests. The poisoning agents are applied to lanes from burlap or paper, which are later brushed to the tree trunk. The width of the protective belt must be at least 20 cm. The installation height is 40-50 cm from the ground level. In order for the poison to not evaporate too quickly, it is recommended to put protection from cellophane on the belt.

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