See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture


See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

Such a chair would have been on the trash, only the chair was lucky to be in the skillful arms of craftsmen. The cardinal alteration of plastic furniture was almost nothing. Master for alterations needed sections of bright fabric, PVA glue and finishing varnish. You, too, can transform the old plastic furniture.

At first it was necessary to sick the old plastic stool so that the glue would be better grabbed. Then diluted with water glue PVA apply on a clean and dry chair and glue fabric. Do not be afraid to apply white PVA glue, after drying it will become transparent.

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

Before applying glue, it is necessary to cut the desired shape of the fabric. The fabric should cover all surfaces of the chair. Rissing fabric so that there are no folds, let glue dry and cover the cloth with a varnish.

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how you can transform garden furniture with the help of plow glue and cuts of bright fabric.

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

It's just great!

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

It is stylish and romantic!

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

Now this furniture is not ashamed and to put in the house, and the guest to sat down

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

See how masters have changed the garden plastic furniture

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