Ducks from drywall do it yourself


Recently, it became not only fashionable, but also to practically change the old wooden windows to new plastic. Naturally, after installing new windows, a new problem faces the consumer - the manufacture of slopes. It is often easily resolved by ordering slopes in the same company where new windows were acquired, but this pleasure is not cheap. Alternatively, you can, using numerous advertisements, hire a private expert and, thereby, save yourself several tens of thousands of rubles. And you can make a slope yourself! This work is not complicated, the main thing is to understand the execution algorithm.

Making slips from drywall 1 (For the manufacture of high-quality slopes, we recommend using 12.5 mm. Moisture-resistant sheet of plasterboard):

- Preparation of the surface: cut off the excess of the mounting foam, we clean the surface from dust and soil2.

- With the help of a painting knife and rules, cut off solid gypsum cabartone bands 3 we need long and widths for upper and lateral slopes. At the same time, we should not forget about the facial and invalid side of GLK. We draw your attention to the fact that the width of each slope must be 2-3 mm. Less actual width of a particular slope - for the convenience of further installation of painting corners (though, if such an operation is provided).

- Installation of slopes.

There are several non-expensive installation options for slips from drywall:

The first option provides for the installation of slopes on the gypsum plaster or on the gypsum glue (can be tiled), for the strength of the design, the installed slopes can be attached to the walls of self-draws, or a dowel-nail. First, you must install the upper slope. To do this, we will apply an adhesive or plaster mixture on it, leaving only the place to exit the excess mixture (if the surface is flat, and the layer applied is very small, which is extremely rare, then you can use the ridge). After that, with the help of the square and the rule with the level, we will install our slope. It will be necessary to stop, until the mounting composition dry. We draw your attention to the fact that even if you decide to make direct slopes, that is, exactly 900, you still need to install plasterboard strips at an angle of a bit more direct (for the convenience of installing paint corners). After installing the upper slope, you can install side, which will be as if to sign it. The principle of installation is the same. At the same time, for the convenience of installing them, with the help of the square, you can draw the external borders of the side slopes on the windowsill and on the upper disappearance, after which it is possible to install these slopes using the rule. And in order not to break them, hit them using a small piece of plywood or the same GKL.

The second option provides for the applix of a glue or plaster mixture with horizontal strips after 50-70 cm., And, after the glued slope is dry (the principle of their installation is identical to the previous one), the remaining emptiness must be filled with the mounting foam. But here the main thing is not to overdo it, since the surplus of the mounting foam can simply tear the glued slope.

There are other options for the manufacture of plasterboard slopes, including frame, that is, the manufacture of metal metrophil for future slopes, which subsequently with the help of screws will be secured by the desired gypsumocarton strips. In this case, under such a frame, you can put the insulation. However, this process is more expensive and time consuming. Alternatively, you can also use a plastic L-shaped profile from panel systems or a special metal corner, which is simply screwed to the window profile, and then plasterboard and others are attached to it.

- On the place of the junction of the upper and lateral slopes, glue pieces of the grid of construction self-adhesive (sickle).

- We install paint corners4 on the plaster mixture. Moreover, the correctness of their installation should be constantly checked using the level and rule. For the convenience of mounting paint corners, we recommend that you quickly adjust them inside, that is, make their angle less than 90 degrees.

- After the mixture on which our corners are installed, we dried, we, using a piece of rules or suspenders, fly to them.

It turns out that the side of the slope closest to the window is placed on "no" (that is, there are practically no plaster), and the long-distance from the window - by painting corner (its layer depends on how this corner is supplied).

- We sweat the surface of the slopes (this procedure should be repeated 2-3 times, and each time only after drying the previous layer). At the same time, the putty should be applied only after complete drying of the plaster (after drying, it changes the color - brighten), and pre-sticking and reloading the surface.

It is recommended to glue the "Cleathetic" on the work surface (painted fiberglass) after the first spittens and grinding onto the working surface. However, if the surfaces of our slopes are qualitatively consolidated and sucking well, the need for this not cheap operation disappears.

- Grinding surfaces. With the help of sandpaper, in half the work surface. It is important that there were no transitions, various irregularities, etc.

- Purchase the window profile by paint scotch so as not to blur it during painting.

- Prayes slopes. We recommend to apply 2-3 layers of paint, with each subsequent layer should be applied only after completely drying the previous one.

- And only after the paint dried can be disconnected by the greasy tape from the window profile, pre-cutting it with a painted knife at the junction with the slope itself.

Sucks are ready!

1 Sucks from the Hypoclikarton is the fastest and most economical option of slopes, except, of course, slopes from plastic. In addition, the conservation of slopes from GLC is preferable in those rooms where wooden or partially wooden walls (naturally, if you do not want to pull out of wood), since the plastered slopes in such a room are simply crackled.

2 We draw your attention to the fact that, in this case, before performing each construction operation, it is necessary Granny Working surfaces.

3. Important! We do not recommend making slopes from numerous pieces of HCL as this can in the future can provoke the appearance of cracks.

4 There is another less time-consuming office version of the manufacture of such slopes: after installing plasterboard strips, the slopes are sprinkled only at the junctions between themselves and with the window (that is, where there is a deepening), and then, slightly sanding the surface, paint. After that, the dried slopes are framed by plastic corners. Quickly, cheap and angry :)

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