Incredible sculptures poured out of paper


Incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Allen Eckman Art 14 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Artists Allen ( Allen ) and Patty Ekman ( Patty Eckman. ) Create paper sculptures in their beauty and detail, united by the theme of Indian culture, using their own casting technique.

Sergeant Allen Ekman began to get involved in the art immediately after he returned to his homeland from Vietnam. He entered the correspondence courses of fine art at the Art Center of the College of Design ( ART CENTER COLLEGE OF DESIGN ), where he met his future wife - Petty, who, like no other understood and shared his passion for visual arts.

The turning point in their boring measured lives occurred exactly 12 years ago, when they decided to throw everything overnight and went to Los Angeles, where they got married, started the children and founded their own advertising campaign.

Allen opened for himself an artistic casting of paper sheets when photographed brochures scattered down the street, soaked in the rain. The intricate patterns applied to the wet paper soles shoes hundreds of passers-by, to the depths of the soul struck the artist who can even see a part of the beautiful one in the very ordinary.

From the very moment Allen, the whole and fully hesitated himself with the artistic injection of paper - an ancient art that originated in Japan, then forgotten for many decades and revived Mexican sculptors only at the beginning of the 1950s.

Allen Eckman Art 21 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

But Allen preferred not to borrow the ideas of ancient Japanese masters and developed his own casting technology - ECANA method ( Eckman Method® ), which is patented and used at the moment by almost all sculptors working with wet paper.

This method is simple to disgrace: at the beginning, a mixture of a softless paper mass is mixed in the bucket, which is poured into hollow silicone billets, repeating the exact forms of the future sculpture.

Then the paper is pressed and dried with a vacuum pump. Dry and formed blanks are removed from the form and begin 'bring to mind' using a surgical scalpel.

Allen Eckman Art 15 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

"Casting is the easiest part in our work. At the exit, we get a rough billet that has nothing to do with the finished sculpture, "says Allen Ekman. - On the drawing of the details of one sculpture, my wife leaves from three weeks, up to 5 months. And only after that the loose paper will find its true form. "

So that the casting of paper sculptures is a very painstaking work that takes a huge amount of time and nerves.

allen eckman art 18 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

The process of paper casting is similar to the bronze casting, with the difference that in this case the weight of the finished product is significantly less.

Petty is a professional artist who specializes in landscapes, and Allen is passionate about the history and culture of the Indians, because His great-grandfather was a cherokee. It is as a result of such a creative symbiosis of two enthusiastic people into the world and these incredible supercondalized paper sculptures appeared.

Allen Eckman ART 23 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

"We give our sculptures a part of your soul. And if they stirred in you in you the forgotten feelings and memories, then we did not work in vain, "said Petty.

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Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 12 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 13 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 14 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 15 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 16 Incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 17 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 18 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 19 Incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 2 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 20 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 21 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 22 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 23 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

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Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 4 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

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Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 6 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

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Thumbs Allen Eckman Art 9 incredible sculptures poured out of paper

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