Harlequin costume


Harlequin costume

Harlequin's suit is one of the most popular, bringing laughter and joy on New Year's carnival.

Age: 2-3 years.

For the manufacture of a suit "Harlequin" you need: yarn "grass" (100% polyester, 250 m / 100 g) 100 g of red, lilac, gas, raspberry colors, 150 g of yellow, 30 g of pink and blue colors, hook №4.


The product consists of two parts: right and left. Knit every part separately bottom up.

Right part: For pants, raspberry thread type 45 removals. n. And knit free art. b / n 28 rows. 29-30 rows

- Knit Art. B / n pink thread. 31st row - knit art. s / n pink thread. Next, knit the 32nd - 64th rows of lilac thread, alternating 1 series of Art. C / N, 1 series of Art. b / n. At the same time, at an altitude of 55 cm from the start of work for the armor, divide the web in half and then let each piece knit separately. 65th row - knit Art. B / N Blue Thread. 66th row - knit Art. C / n Blue thread. Then, for the formation of the neck of the neck, knit only the first 9 p. From the inside of another 3 rows of blue thread, b / n. Keep another part symmetrically. Reinforce the lower edge of the pants blue thread with 6 rows of Art. B / N, having reduced in each row of 2 p.

Left part: Knify similarly, but using contrasting colors: a salad - blue - yellow - pink. The signing edge is reinforcing similarly to the pink thread.

Right sleeve: Perform the shoulder seams. Knit from the armor in a circle, alternating 1 series of Art. B / N and 1 series of Art. s / n. Total run 23 rows of yellow thread and 1 row pink thread.

Left sleeve: Knify similarly, but first the red thread, then 1 row of blue thread.

Harlequin costume

Assembly: Fold the details in half, perform the rear seam on the back and side stitches. The neckline and the front edges of the shelves are tied by yellow thread 1 near Art. B / N, 1 near Art. C / N and 1 more near Art. b / n. At the same time, in the last row on the right shelf, it is evenly 3 holes for buttons from 5 removal. p., skipping 2 tbsp. Basis. Buttons perform in the form of balls from Art. B / N of different colors. Encept buttons on the left shelf.


The cap consists of their two details: red and yellow. For one detail, type 21 orders. n., Knit 12 rows, alternating 1 series of Art. 6 / N and 1 row of Art. s / n. Then divide the item in half and then each part knit separately by 9 more rows, having reduced 1 p. In each row. Follow the second part in the same way. Sust out the details with each other so that the seam was in the center. The lower edge is reinforcing 3 rows of art. s / n. For the best landing of the caps through the holes of the lower edge, the tension of the laugh and secure it with the retainer.

A source: Klubokdel.ru.

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