Never guess what you can do from the usual canister


Never guess what you can do from the usual canister
If you have somewhere among things, an unnecessary canister from gasoline was poured, then it's time to find it. Perhaps for several years she lies in some far corner, where it was put with the words "maybe someday still come in handy". And from it you can make a rather stylish, and the main thing is a convenient and functional thing - this is a minibar that can be grabbed with you to rest.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

You will need:

  • Canister;
  • Slim rubber seal;
  • Small screws and screws;
  • universal loops;
  • marker;
  • cheeks or other closing elements;
  • plywood;
  • polyurethane glue;
  • paint;
  • instruments

First of all, we need to put markup on the canister. To do this, armed with a marker, ruler and other necessary tools. We draw a door of the desired size on the canister, but you need to take into account that through the same hole we will also equip the "insides" of our mini-bar, so it should be quite large.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

Weat the door, cut out it. It is best that she captures a little and sides. Then grind the edge of the cut, so that they are not sharp.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

Now we take the adhesive rubber insulation and cover the edges of the cut, both on the future door and on the housing.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

Now we need to outline holes for the loops, and then fasten the loops themselves. Attimally use 2 loops. You can also paint them under the color of the canister.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

If you wish, if you are not satisfied with the color of the inner part of the canister, you can paint it with paint from the canister, for example, under the color of the sealing, it turns out very stylish. Do not forget to protect the body before painting, for example, with the help of painting scotch.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

It remains only to attach the cheeks or other closing elements to the canister and the housing of our mini-bar is ready.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

It is time to do a minibar filling, that is, to make inner shelves for him. To do this, we need a thin plywood, about 1 cm thick. Depending on what filling for your mini-bar you want to do, mark the paneur to the items. In our case, these are 3 sections (2 for beverages and 1 - for glasses) and shelves for them, the dimensions are appropriate. Collect the inner shelves.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

Change the filling is possible at your discretion. For example, make separators for glasses so that they do not hit each other, or add rails so that banks do not fall out with gas. To do this, we simply make it necessary for the elements and glue and with the help of glue suitable for wood.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

You can also make small moving junk, which will be recorded, for example, glasses or a bottle.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

When the inner rack is ready, we can only connect it with the case. To do this, use polypropylene glue. We are well missing their rear machine and glue our rack. Let die and voila! It remains only to fill the mini bar with drinks to taste.

Never guess what you can do from the usual canister

And below you can see a detailed video on how to turn the canister in the minibar.


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