

This is such a barbaric Mexican tradition, but the children love her very much, and perhaps the original idea was not so bad, as it was changed in our days. The base of the hemps - a vessel from an unconditional clay, in which sweets are put, and all this is covered with thin colored paper (sorry, I forgot how in Russian it is called this paper, but it definitely has a special name, almost like travelers, only softer and different colors In Spanish, this is Papel China), the traditional hempata has an asterisk shape. Hempata hangs on the rope, one end of the rope is fixed, the other end in the hands of someone. The child is tied up, then the child turns around their axis for losing the orientation and then give a stick, the task is to strike a stick along the sneeze, then the pebbles are broken, candy falls out, children get candy, the task complicates that cynical comrade that keeps one of the ends of the rope And he pulls him, the penata jumps and get difficult for it. Very gone. The time of each child is limited, there is even a special count, which the whole choir is told, at its end, the stick goes to the next child, etc. Over the years and centuries, this tradition has spread to the countries of Latin and South America and the United States, where she underwent strong changes. If the vessel from an unconditioned clay is broken very easily (and then the main thing is to get, not to cram), then modern peclys began to do in the papier style "I don't seem inside a cardboard basis, it will not work out with one blow, so now it's not even for children eyes tie and the main task is to be crammed that there are forces, otherwise it will not break it ... And the worst thing that the hemps began to do in The form of fabulous heroes (imagine that the child, without sparing his forces, wipes on Cinderella ... so-jas). My daughter really liked this tradition, but still managed to convince that it was not good to crap (yes no matter what) is not good, so that we made just souvenirs in the style of pebbles, because There are no candies inside, then there is no clay vessel, but simply a cardboard base, colored paper is cut into thin strips, we have the basis of the base with these strips in the form of a kettop.


We somehow came to the exhibition of fuzzy, these are made in all the rules. In the background you can see the pegs in the form of stars (traditional shape)


It can be seen here how the penata is fixed on the rope


A few more ideas



And this we did as a souvenir, in another technique - a plastic bottle is saved by various seeds.


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