Puzzle "15 bridges"


It's not difficult to make such a puzzle, if it seems to you through Chur simple, do not believe our eyes - my husband and I could not collect her, in children of patience more. With that when the daughter gathered her first time, and then disassembled, then after that it was necessary to start everything in a new one, it is impossible to remember, there is no special secret. Only after 3rd times she began to get faster. In any case, it takes a toy and children, and adults for a long time, develops logical thinking and fine motility of hands. Task - place all bridges based on.

As a collected form, it looks like that -

Puzzle 15 bridges

Puzzle 15 bridges

Puzzle base - Base with holes 5x6

Puzzle 15 bridges

Bridges look like that -

Puzzle 15 bridges

Read more about Bridges: First Level - The Lowest Bridge

Puzzle 15 bridges

The second level is 2 bridge, one between the supports of the gap into one hole, the second bridge is no gap, the photo is visible in the height between the first and second level

Puzzle 15 bridges

The third level - 4 bridge - one without a gap between the bases, the second with a gap in 1 hole and two bridges with a period of 2 holes, also visible the difference between the third and second level

Puzzle 15 bridges

The fourth level is 3 bridge - one without a gap, the second with an interval in one hole and the third with the interval of 3 holes

Puzzle 15 bridges

The fifth level is the highest bridges - 5 bridges - one without a gap, the second with an interval into one hole, the third with a period of 2 holes, the fourth with a period of 3 holes, and the fifth with the interval of 4 holes, the difference in height is visible in all photos Between the previous level and subsequent.

Puzzle 15 bridges
Good luck !!!

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