How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)


How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

In this article, the master will tell us how to make a facial mask from silicone. The material for its manufacture serves two-component silicone mass, and the mold matches the master on the 3D printer.

Tools and materials:

-3d printer;

- compound silicone rubber;








May be needed

Filter with autocession for welding mask (Aliexpress)

Step One: Concept

This mask is a prototype and has not been checked or approved by any specialist.

The master made a mask, as a trial and did not work on small details, such as grinding printed parts. In addition, the silicone rubber, which he used, is not intended for long-term contact with the skin.

In the manufacture of mask, the master put the following goals:

1. A simple production process available in most countries of the world.

2. Short time of manufacture - 2-3 hours.

3. Repeated use of the mold

4. The mask must be multiple - silicone can be sterilized and reused, and the filter can also be sterilized with ultraviolet lamps and use from 3 to 6 months before replacement.

5. The mask should easily understand for the individual sterilization of each material;

6. The mask must fit tightly, ensure good sealing on various person profiles;

7. The filter must provide protection equal to or better than the N95 masks - hermetic seal and HEPA filter H13 should ensure air filtration efficiency of 99.97%;

8. Easily wear and remove - unlike N95 masks that need fit, this mask itself takes the form of the owner's face;

9. The user must breathe easily - the breathing hole with a diameter of 36 mm should ensure sufficient circulation of air;

10. The mask must be comfortable - silicone rubber soft.

The process is quite simple and made so simple as possible, passing several stages, such as the correct preparation of the mold, the use of a paint removal agent, using a vacuum machine for removing air bubbles from liquid silicone, the master intentionally simplified the process, just to prove that it can be made with minimal equipment and skills.

Step Two: press form preparation

First, the wizard prints the press form on a 3D printer. File for printing can be downloaded here.

The wizard printed the ring, which must be glued to the inside of the form. In addition, the two main parts must be modified manually for better fit.

The master used nuts and M4 bolts to build two halves of the outer shell. This assembly makes it easier to extract the part after silicone solidification.

The hole for the strap wizard stuck with scotch, or it will be possible to cut it later with a knife.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

Collects the mold. The wizard uses wax to overthrow the seams of the press form. Silicone has high fluidity, and if the form is not properly sealed, it will lead to his leakage. Instead of wax, you can use plasticine or any sealant.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

Step Three: Silicone Rubber

Silicone, which master used, is ZA 22 Mold, made on the Zhermack Italian Plant. This is a two-component liquid with high fluidity, which is grasped in 60 minutes - 90 minutes and does not have heat transfer during the curing process. Those. The mold will not be damaged in the process of contact with silicone.

The master sees the components of silicone 1: 1. Vacuum degassing is recommended to minimize the formation of air bubbles in a cured object, but the master misses this step.

Pours silicone rubber in the mold and leaves 90 minutes before the rejection.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

Step fourth: Mask

After a half hours it removes a mask from the form.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

Cruculate excess material.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

Sets the filter * and rubber strap.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)

All is ready.

How to make a silicone mask (COVID-19)


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