Headphone fasteners from the phone


Hello! I do not know if you will like my idea, but she came into my head after viewing your inventions. Every time I return from study, I throw the headphones where it fell, and in the morning I try to unravel the terrible knot, in which the Journean, and the oyster, and the eight knot ... So I decided to somewhat simplify my life.

So, from dense cardboard, I cut a piece of 3x3.5 cm (just under the clamp of my headphones)

Headphone fasteners from the phone

Then I found a cheerful sticker in my deployments (although fasteners are a trifle, but still need to somehow decorate)

Headphone fasteners from the phone

Cut out the muzzle in the size of your rectangle, pasted on it and wrapped with scotch (for repeated use)

Headphone fasteners from the phone

And finally, the inside of the cabinet glued the whole thing to scotchpie (rather complicated alternates, but it is pretty stronger)

Headphone fasteners from the phone

I am waiting for constructive criticism, but I immediately apologize for the negligence of the work (the tape is glued unevenly), since all these simple manipulations were performed, mostly with their right hand, with a small help left, which is now in the gypsum. Thanks for attention)

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