How to sew bed linen


How to sew bed linen

Due to the rise in prices for cotton fiber, linen rose and so much that it is so important that it is too easy to think about how to sew bed linen itself.

Of course, a set of baby bedding with a newborn baby, we will still buy in the store, because you want it to be not only beautiful, but without synthetic additives, had certificates of quality and hygienic service. But for myself and the family it is quite possible and save and sew bedding with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the coolness or sither to choose and calculate the fusion consumption.

In this video, the technology of sewing pillowcases with a surrender is shown, and the pattern of pillowcases is also given.

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What fabric to choose for sewing bed linen

How to sew bed linen

Some tissue manufacturers for sewing bed linen offer inexpensive fabrics. Unfortunately, high-quality calico or sitherium with 100% percentage of cotton fiber cannot be purchased inexpensively. The cost of one kilogram of cotton in the global market determines the cost of one meter of Boszya or Sitz. The price of a cooler above 100 rubles per meter is the reality of our days, you can find cheaper than poor quality fabric (due to a decrease in density) or with a large admixture of synthetic fibers, the so-called polycotton.

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Fabrics with additives of synthetics have a slightly brilliant, smooth surface, they are very durable and not sit down when washing, but only cotton fibers create comfort and comfort for the body during sleep. However, it is better to buy a polycotton fabric and sew bedding out of it than buying "cheap" in the literal and figurative sense of the word kits for 300 rubles. Why? To understand this, you need to figure out what the density of the Boszya or Sitz is.

In essence, the density of the Boszya or Citz is the amount of cotton has deployed a tissue meter. In the range of any factory there are fabrics of different density, and those and other fabrics can be used to sewing bed linen and use no one year, the main thing is not to buy an obvious fake, the paints of which are short-lived and the calm itself is more like a gauze.

See also How to choose Bed linen.

On the Round Label, the Bayazi should be a tag where the tissue density is indicated. For example, the Shui Calcar has a density of 128 and 142 gr / m and we had to work with this cloth for more than one year. Very durable, durable and high-quality fabric. Bed linen from such a beta serves not one year, and many years, does not hide and does not sit down when washing. However, the other Russian producers of Boszya and Citz are worthy of praise, and you can trust their products. But note that there are both fakes under the brands of our manufacturers, so pay attention to the label where the propiings of the enterprise and the qualitative characteristics of the tissue are indicated, and there is also a corporate logo and a product certification sign. The picture shows the logo of the Shuisian factory.

Tips how to linger bedding

How to sew bed linen

As for the question, how to sew bed linen, then first of all, of course, you need to accurately measure the mattress, pillows, blanket. And the easiest way is to remove the measurements from the old set and add letters on the seams, shrinkage and the inaccuracy of Croy (5-7 cm).

Survo in pillowcases do not less than 25 cm. Less, but if you do not like the pillow peep out from the pillowcase in the morning, it is better to sew it so much.

Sheet never crit "ourselves". It is better even added to the width of another 20 cm from the previous width of the sheets and even in length you can not cut off, the extra part can be fed.

See also how to sew a sheet on a rubber band.

Duvet cover Cry so that it is also wider than the former on 5-7 cm. You can always remove anything too much, but I will not add. Moreover, after the first striking, any calico from natural fibers gives shrinkage. So after washing and look, you need to sew or not.

Fabric consumption for bed linen

How to sew bed linen

Now, after these recommendations, it is possible to calculate the flow of tissue to tailoring bed linen. In this figure, we give the approximate flow rate of 220cm with a standard sizes with two pillowcases.

And the most optimal layout of the details of the pattern of the standard 2 bedding set is offered on the top scheme.

Fabric for sewing bed linen is best to buy a width of 220 cm. From many years of practice, we can definitely say that the use of such a width of Boszya or Citz is the most optimal options for sewing bed linen.

How to sew bed linen

First, you do not have to make the docking seams, like on this photo to increase the width of the sheet or duvette.

And secondly, in terms of the cost of bed linen, it is from this tissue width that you will do not be much, but cheaper than from the other width of Bosi. We will not give a layout on a cloth with a width of 150 cm, since we hope that you will follow our advice.

True, in order to sew bedding without "waste", buy a bosal width 220cm need a little more, just 25 cm. And then you take 3 pillowcases instead of 2, but without trimming the fabric. If you still decided to buy cloth to bed linen with two pillowcases, then just expand the pillowcases across. As a result, you will have a bass 45cm for 155cm. Actually, from this piece, you can sew a children's pillowcase.

The diagram is quite clearly shown, how to cut bed linen, so it is almost nothing to comment.

Pillowcases with dimensions of 50 x 70 cm will turn out four pieces, so it is more profitable to cover two sets at once, adding to this calculation, still sheets and a duvet cover.

The width of the sheets are recommended to do at least 2 meters for any bedroom, even if you have a sofa or a bed of 160 cm wide.

For the family kit, two duvet covers are 145 - 150 cm wide.

Pillowcases, tailored along the drawing can always be turned on the bed so that they are harmonized with the total drawing of the sheets of sheets and a duvette, but sometimes "disharmony" from the general drawing only decorates a set of bed linen.

How to sew bed linen do it yourself

How to sew bed linen

Cutting processing can be performed by overlock if you have it, just not a zigzag on the sewing machine seagull. And you can sew bed linen with a special liner seam. Then, during washing, the cut seam of bed linen will not turn and you can boldly wash and press in any washing machine.

The linen seam is a bit of gross overclocking processing of the resulting edge, since the double tissue is twice twice, as a result of the seam, it will consist of six layers of fabric. And on the pillowcases from dense bosé, these seams will be noticeable. In addition, the treatment of bed linen with a liner seam is a more laborious process and requires some decoration from seamstress. The experimental seamstress sews bedding without desiccation and special linen paws, exactly one seam and strictly along the edge of 0.1. Inexperienced seam is better to perform this seam in two operations. First, become crosslinkable parts of the Bosi, then only to adjust and secure the line, as shown in the figure.

In addition to the tissue for sewing bed linen, it is important to choose the properly sewing threads. Threads should be sought strong, but not too thick. The main thing is that they do not destroy from moisture and constant washing, and in the seams, with time, gaps did not appear.

Stitch length Stitch Install the medium size. Too small line will not make a seam string, but on the contrary, because the needle, piercing often the fabric, can just destroy her fibers.

Standard bed linen sizes

How to sew bed linen

Sizes 1.5 bedding bedding:

Duvet cover: 150x210, 150x215 or 160x220 cm.

Sheet: 150x215, 160x210, 160x220 or 180x260 cm.

Pillowcases: 50x70, 60x60 or 70x70 cm.

Sizes of 2 bedding linen:

Duvet cover: 175x210, 180x210, 180x215 or 200x220 cm.

Sheet: 175x210, 175x215, 210x230, 220x215, 215x240, 220x240 or 240x260 cm.

Pillowcases: 50x70, 60x60 or 70x70 cm.

Double Kit "Euro", "Euro Standard", "Euro Maxi":

Duvet cover: 200x220, 205x225, 220x240 or 225x245 cm.

Sheet: 215x240, 220x250, 240x260, 220x270, 240x280 cm.

Pillowcases: 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

The family set consists of two duvet covers, one sheet and two or four pillows:

Duvet covers: 150x210 or 160x220 cm.

Sheet: 240x280 or 240x260 cm.

Pillowcases: 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

A set of baby bedding includes a duvet cover, sheets and one pillowcase:

Duvet cover: 153x215, 150x210 or 160x220 cm.

Sheet: 145x220, 150x210 or 180x260 cm.

Pillowcase: 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

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